Friday, April 30, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

Don't be afraid to fail. How often do we find ourselves held back by the fear of failure? I know I've caught myself not living up to my potential for this reason before...I am afraid to try because I'm scared of failing. There are so many famous and well known people who failed numerous times before doing something truly great take a look here. Makes you want to think a bit about why you are being so hard on yourself, huh?
Don't let naysayers hold you back, don't let YOU hold you back...never be afraid to fail. Without never truly learns to be better, one never learns what it is to truly live. Just a thought. =0)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

You're really going to eat that?

In the land of kids and Moms and eating, there is inevitably going to be some strange things that kids are going to like to know, strange things that one wouldn't really think go together. My kids eat strange things like: Ranch with Pizza, ranch with fries, mustard on everything (my youngest), yogurt on poptarts, they only like honey butter on pancakes (not syrup, go figure!)...and my sister probably has the only kids I know that refuse to eat Mac 'n cheese!
I ran a quick poll among my fellow Facebook parents and here's some of the interesting food choices their kids eat:

Jessica Johnson Lamb: Hey, I need some help with my next blog post...tell me what strange things your kids like to eat...(Thanks for the idea Christy!)
Tue at 6:00pm

Brenna Long:
my son likes sardines
Tue at 6:21pm

Jenn Ray McGovern:
Ketchup sandwiches!
Tue at 7:03pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
Thanks guys! Keep 'em coming! Seriously, ketchup sandwiches? =0P:.
Tue at 7:04pm

John Davis:
And no I'm not kidding, "Peas"!
Tue at 7:06pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
aaaack! peas? I can't even bring myself to eat them! well..if they are still in the pod and stir-fried perhaps...=0)
Tue at 7:09pm

Vanessa Bailey:
My one year old loves tomatoes; I like them too, but I've never known a child to like them unless they are in spaghetti sauce or ketchup.
Tue at 7:49pm

Lisa Jensen Smith:
When my seven year old was 11 months, all we could get her to eat was steamed broccoli! She loved it, and we used to have to say things to her like "eat a bite of your grilled cheese, or you don't get any broccoli!" One time I put melted cheese on it thinking she would love it even more, and she wouldn't even touch it. So we went back to old fashioned, no salt, no butter, steamed broccoli.
Tue at 7:54pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
Tomatoes and Broccoli? Hey, at least they are healthy choices! =0)
Tue at 7:56pm

Lorencita Arvizo-Washington:
Anything dipped in hummus, chocolate, or ranch!
Tue at 7:56pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
awww...i have a dipper too...he likes everything with mustard! =0)
Tue at 7:57pm

Moral of the post? Hey, if your kids are willing to actually eat whatever disgusting thing they have on their plate...(even if you have your nose turned up), then let them! Just encourage a few healthy choices too!
Thanks Christy for the blog idea and if anyone has any more ideas shoot me a message here! BTW, Christy says she likes to eat ranch on cold tortillas! Yum?! =0)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Get a Move on!
Be truly honest with yourself for a moment...did you devote anytime to exercise today? this week? at any point in recent memory? If the answer to is no, then why? I know all the good excuses, I've used most of them myself...but, I'll let you in on a'd feel so much better if you did! Yes, I am more than aware that the gods blessed me with skinny genes...that being said I don't exercise with any particular goal in mind, just for feel good benefits!=0) I know what I'm hearing (yes, through your computer screen) I don't have time, what do I do with the kids?, it's excuses! If I can find the time, I'll bet you can too! Here's a few tips on how to make it easier:
I don't have time. Take a 1/2 hour if necessary during your daily routine to walk up and down the stairs briskly or walk around the block a few times or if you're lucky enough to have walking trails in neighborhood take advantage of them. Take your significant other with you and make it a date! My man and I walk 3.68 miles about three days a week...we get much needed movement and a chance to talk about our lives together, it's great!=0)
What do I do with the kids? This is pretty easy no matter what age kids you have. I tend to exercise once I've sent my kids off for the day, but I can just as easily take them with me or even play a sport or active game with them as a family. If you have little ones, strap them in, bundle them up, push them along...I'll bet they'll love it! Somebody invented the stroller for a reason right? Start them out early by setting a great moving example! Make active family time a regular'll bond as a family and set the tone for your kids growing up. My man and I take the kids to the park and play ball or ride bikes in our 'hood, or you could pony-up some moola and attend the local pool or rec center.
It's boring. Well, then change it up a bit! Take along your favorite tunes or try a route you haven't gone on before. Bike instead of walk. Swim instead of hike. Just try something new and switch things around...I'll bet you'll like if you try it! =0)
I know I feel so much better when I take the time to get a little movement in my life. I sleep better, my stress level goes down, I'm in a much better mood as well! (I'm sure my family appreciates that!) Give it a try...I'll bet you like it!=0)

Monday, April 26, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

Simple Ecco Sneaks! Adorable, super comfortable, great for living green? Yep, these great sneaks are made from things like organic cotton/hemp, recycled car tires and plastic milk bottles! I have a couple of pairs of these pair is a red suede slip-on and the other pair is brown organic cotton lace-ups. Now those of you who know me, know that I would never willingly pay 60 bucks for a pair of shoes...nope. I have this motto, "Don't be so picky and buy the discontinued styles from Ross" (for $12.99!) So if you're looking for a great pair of super-comfy, earth conscious sneaks, then get a pair of Simple Ecco Sneaks! Try 'em, you might think they're great too!=0)

Friday, April 23, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

My kids have a saying "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit", we use this mostly when someone is being picky about what they are being given. It's also quite useful when applied toward life. We don't choose the family we are given, we don't choose the trials we endure in life either, we are only able to accept them as they come and deal with whatever life tosses our way and hope to emerge wiser in the end. Just a thought.=0)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Passing on the nostalgic...

Isn't it great how everything we loved as children in the eighties, has come back into popularity with a vengeance? I for one, love it! I have had all sorts of fun sharing various videos, toys, apparel that I thought was awesome as a child with my three. We watched The Chipmunk Adventure movie as a family last night. I amused myself by quoting lines all the way through it. (I know, but my sis ad I watched it constantly!) It is great way to bond with your kids and to stay young, I mean being a grown-up has plenty of perks, it just gets to be so serious!
I have two little boys ages 7 and 10, they love anything to do with Lego's. I have found various pieces and Lego men in furniture, stuck in the carpet, or the bottom of my feet for the last several years. The other night I decided (since I'm not working at the moment)to take on the task of sorting through the giant bin they store their massive collection in. (I know, what's wrong with me?) I recruited the boys as helpers and as we dug through the piles I kept hearing excited exclamations of "That's where he went!" and "I've been looking everywhere for that!" My younger son found three TNMT Lego men (Ninja Turtles) that belonged to a wrestling Lego set hey had received a few years ago. He set them aside and we worked a little longer before I got tired of sorting through tiny plastic bricks and went to make dinner.
After dinner my man and I were on the porch swing out front when my younger son came out to say good night holding the little Ninja Turtle Lego man. "Mom? What is da Ninja Tuwtle's name with da puwple mask?" Hmmm...I had to think. My little brother was obsessed with the silly Ninja Turtles as a child and as I got the job of babysitting him most of the time, I was exposed to great deal of them...and "I should know this" came to mind. "Umm, Donatello?", I guessed. "Then what is da name of da Ninja Tuwtle with da blue mask then?", my son asked. My mind went blank. Crap! "I don't know...", I confessed. I bounced ideas of my man (who was no help, BTW...)before getting up to find my phone. "Where awe you going?", my son asked. "To ask your Uncle..."
I imagine my little brother and whoever he was hanging out with at the time was quite amused at the text I sent read: Quiz for ya...what is the name of the Ninja Turtle with the purple mask? He replied: Donatello. Before I had even finished reading the word I knew who the Ninja Turtle with the blue mask's name was...I texted him back: So, the blue one's name is Leonardo then? He confirmed my query and texted me something about if I was asking him because he was the expert or something. I just blamed it on his nephews wanting to know.
Go ahead, be silly...round up your favorite movie as a kid on DVD and enjoy it with your family! Pretend that eighties, full of bad taste in cars, hairstyles, home decor, but bad-ass kid's cartoons never came to an end! =0)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Be chic on the cheap! This would be one of my all time favorite tips and I like to share (and never feel bad about) with anyone who'll listen, what little money I've spent on just about everything! Let me share a few tricks I've learned on how to look great on very little:
1. Invest a little time. If you frequent places such as Ross, TJ Maxx, or even Target you'll need to take the time to walk up and down all the clearance aisles (at Target) or go through all the clearance racks first. You never know what treasures you'll find unless you take the time to look! For instance today at Target I found a darling little girls dress for my daughter for $3.48 on the clearance rack as well as a very nice (and classic) dress for myself for $6.98, just by looking through all the clearance racks! This will take a little longer and if you have uncooperative kids it doesn't work as well...either bribe them with a dollar item (it was cotton candy for mine today) or leave them home when possible.
2. Look for your size on all the racks. This is especially true if you are at Ross or TJ Maxx, the stores are set up kinda like giant yard sales and have very little floor staff keeping them straight. Don't just look at the hangers either, take a peek at the tags as well...I can't tell you how many times I've found stuff that was actually my size, but on the wrong size hanger. What I do frequently is look for my size on the right rack and also look one size up and one size down...things easily get moved just a section over.
3. Don't be super picky. Is it missing a button? Is it soiled? Is it a tad too big and made of cotton or out of season? All things that are easily remedied! If it is missing a button or soiled at Ross and isn't marked "as is", take it up to the customer service desk and point it out...they are more than happy to give you a 15-25% discount because of it...don't be afraid to ask. Of course if it is a tad to big , wash it first before that cotton and even if it says "preshrunk" it will still shrink a little. If it's out of season, I always buy it anyway and wear it again next year. I try to always bear things that aren't going to go right out of style, such as jeans, t-shirts, classic sweaters, pj's... this way I know I'll be able to get use out of them the following year.
4. Buy items that can be worn several ways. I buy lots of plain colored shirts, skirts, t-shirt dresses, slip dresses in plain colors or simple patterns, such as a small check or classic stripe...this makes it easy to change up your look and not have to buy lots of new things. The dress I have on above is in a classic gray (I paid 7 dollars for it at Ross), I just paired it with whimsical striped socks, a bright colored tank, and matching sneaks but could have easily put on leggings and boots with it with a long sleeved t underneath or worn jeans and strappy sandals instead. I just go with things I know are versatile! Also don't be afraid to do a little accessorizing...the necklace I actually picked up at Wal-Mart for 5 bucks and is great for a pop of color. Scarves, belts, great shoes, a cute purse can all be great conversation starters and make a classic piece unforgettable!
Take it from me, I don't have a lot of money but still like to look good. Try these tips to be chic for cheap!

Monday, April 19, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

Hansen's Natural Soda! What's to love? All Natural, no preservatives, no colors, no high fructose corn syrup and tastes great! I bought a flat of 24 of these at Costco for under 7 bucks I believe! The kids think they are great and I do too and my man with the Celiac's can drink them without a problem as well. Try the Cherry Vanilla Cream or the Mandarin Lime, both a equally great although I haven't found a flavor I didn't like.=0) I also appreciate that it is manufactured at the Hansen beverage plant in Corona, California...just because I know exactly where that is, I lived in Corona few a couple of years!=0) So, give it a whirl...I'll bet you think they are great too! =0)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

tHoUgHt FoR tHe DaY...

We all have past right? I know I do and it's full of ups and downs, bumps and bruises, loves and losses. How do you survive? I'm not sure if survival is the best term for living...I just take it as it comes and try to never forget where I started and to take the time to enjoy the little things it has as well. I shared a little of my past in my other blog if you want to click here and read.
Don't worry if your house isn't spotless or whether your kids have on matching socks today...just don't forget to stop a moment to listen to the sound of their laughter and engage in an impromptu game of SpongeBob Monopoly occasionally. Because who knows. you may blink and the next time you look they may have grown all up and are gone...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Define "Not So Average"

I had a friend ask me the other day to define what a "not so average" Mom might be. Of course I use the term loosely. I would consider most Moms who have quirks and passions and deep love for their families "not so average". I'll use myself for a moment as an example:
I have every color you can think of in Converse sneakers, it is a rare day that I don't have them paired up with just about whatever I have on. In my mind they go with most things and are probably only inappropriate for church wear. Saying this, it never stops me from pairing them with jeans, shorts, capris, skirts, leggings, casual get the idea! I also have an infinity for ugly socks. Long or short, striped, argyle, fluorescent, matching my outfit or not, I always have a crazy pair on! I mean what's the fun of plain white socks? =0) I love anything to do with Snoopy. I have quite the collection of collectibles and clothing and vinyl decals of the silly beagle on my mini-van...I love it! He reminds me of growing up with my sibs in Arizona with one or two beagles always running through or yard.=0) My family isn't average either. I'm a single Mom of three having been divorced from their Dad for 4 and half years now. We all live together with my long-time beau and he is wonderful and loves the kids as his own. My oldest son has Asperger's Syndrome and is such a wonderful boy, he has taught me patience and perseverance. I wouldn't change him for the world! My daughter and youngest son are great, well-adjusted, lovable kids, I couldn't ask for better kids!=0)
So, as you can read I would consider myself a "not so average" Mom...what makes you not so average? Shoot me a message or comment and let me know! =0)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

I'm trying to keep up with my goal of taking a little time to share about 5 days a know seeing as though I'm not a member of the workforce at the moment! On Tuesdays I'll share a tip that works for me and you might find it helpful too!
Getting the most for your dollar. Over the weekend my man and i enjoyed a little barbecue action with the kids. I went to my local grocery store and picked up some boneless, skinless chicken breasts to grill up. They were about 9 bucks for a package of three (about 3 lbs) and they were holding a sale for buy on get one free, so I got 6 breasts all together. We took them home and I prepared a glaze of honey, lemon juice, worcestershire sauce, garlic, and spicy mustard. (These are all gluten-free BTW) I dredged the chicken in these and my man grilled them up, they were great! The only problem with this is the breasts were quite large and it was getting kinda late when we finally sat down to eat. The kids were more tired than hungry and we ended up with a lot of leftover chicken. Well, what now right? I gathered up the chicken and stored in a container with the thought of reusing it.
Here's what I ended up with...enchiladas! I started by shredding the leftover chicken (by using two forks on a cutting mat) and tossed it in a skillet with a can of mild green chilies, a chopped green onion, and a can of black olives. I let it simmer for a few minutes and added a can of black beans and a can of authentic Mexican red chile enchilada sauce. (gluten-free) I simmered this so the flavors could meld for about 10-12 minutes on medium/low. For some reason I could not find corn tortillas at my local grocery store (why, I don't plug for them then!) so, I served up the enchilada mixture over Frito's,(totally kid friendly!)with shredded Mexican blend cheese and sour cream. It was really good! Now my gluten-free man actually ate his over rice with soy cheese (yes, he has a dairy allergy too)and was quite pleased!
So, here's my tip for Tuesday...don't be afraid to reuse and make something else fabulous! =0)

Monday, April 12, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

Folding Cargo Bag Trunk Organizer by Case Logic

I'm going to pick a product weekly that I really enjoy using and that helps make my life easier. I was thinking about how much I love my folding trunk organizer last night as I made the weekly trek to Wal-Mart for groceries. As like most Mom's who have more than a couple of kids, I drive a mini-van. Yes, I know how "Mom" of me! I love the space that it provides for the kids (and my sanity) no one has to sit next to anyone, they all have their own space. The one thing I found annoying is the cargo area. It's narrow and my groceries had a knack for finding their way out of the bags and all over the floor. I also have a very slanted driveway and unless I had the prowess to back my van into it (with out scraping various underparts), all of my groceries would fall out of it when I opened the hatch. Well, say no more! Now that I have my:

Folding Cargo Bag Trunk Organizer by Case Logic

my groceries not only stay put, I can also grab the handles and bring the entire bag full them in one fell swoop! (er, or have my better half bring them in as I usually do!) It's great because they fold up flat for easy storage, when I'm hauling various bicycles and sports equipment instead.
I also give you a quick hint for those of us who are scoffing at the 26 dollar price tag (I would be, I'm pretty cheap) they carry these at your local Target, for about half that. OR you could be really cheap (okay, I fall into that category) and wait for last years model to go on clearance...I paid 8 bucks a piece for mine. (I have two) Click here to check it out!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Say it aint soOOoo...

As I discover more than a little time on my hands, I feel the need to share my thoughts, tips, and just plain madness in a little different forum. I imagine those of you who also view my family blog will be grateful! I am fully aware that my personal opinions have a tendency to take up valuable room for stuff the kids are doing! So, I created this blog in the hopes that I stave myself off of overwhelming boredom not being a member of the workforce anymore and to share some things and thoughts I've collected on my way. Thank you Weezer for the inspirational song title for the day!