Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"I never saw a discontented tree...."

Love for Ms. A
I have two beautiful friends with birthdays at Christmas-time. Can you imagine having a birthday during the holiday season? Yeah, I'm sure there are people who forget intentionally or wrap your presents in Christmas paper or give you the dreaded Christmas/birthday combo, yeah yuck. Anyway, I kinda know how they feel (my birthday is on a major holiday as well) and I like to send them something homemade each year. In the spirit of full disclosure here, I was very late this year...poo, but I have a valid reason, honestly!

It's no secret that I love felt and wanted to make something great with my favorite medium. I also love to make pillows and decided I would incorporate both loves into something beautiful. Now for the inspiration...hmmm, what should I use for an image? I actually had the idea for a graphic leaf design in the back of my head when I purchased my materials, but no concrete image to use. During a break at work I reused a couple of post-its and drew a picture of a tree branch for my co-worker. Ah! Inspiration comes from everywhere I suppose! ;) I knew the end result would be beautiful, but it did require a lot of patient sewing behind my machine.

A little love for Ms. H
I found a free image:
and drew a branch freehand onto my felt and patterned one branch from the other. I knew the body of the pillows would be tan and I wanted a graphic pop of the branches, so I used my colored felt and made stripes behind the branches. The leaves I cut from pieces of scrap felt from the branches just with my scissors in rough leaf shapes (to be more natural looking and not so uniform). Lots of gluing down and very slow moving machine work later and they turned out so beautiful! This was one of my more involved projects and even though I was annoyed it took so long, I can't help but to love the result. :)

"I never saw a discontented tree.  They grip the ground as though they liked it, and though fast rooted they travel about as far as we do.  They go wandering forth in all directions with every wind, going and coming like ourselves, traveling with us around the sun two million miles a day, and through space heaven knows how fast and far!"  ~John Muir

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