Monday, September 26, 2011


My computer slowed down over the course of the week last week. Slowwweeed dooooownnnn to the point of....stop. No biggie, I have the ABC RENT A GEEK handy and at my disposal. He fixed it. He always does. I ended up with a computer break for 3 days over the weekend because of it. Normally, I would have been annoyed that I hadn't been able to keep up with my blogging interests and annoyed that I couldn't live vicariously through my 496 (at last count) FB friends. This weekend was different though. I worked all afternoon/evening on Saturday after spending all morning with my family, attending a festival and parade in our sleepy little town. I was tired when I was through and normally would have wanted to check to see what happened while I was out LIVING but, I didn't care. Today, as I attempt to wade through all the things that need to be checked I realize I would rather be living my life instead.

I started this particular blog last April after I lost my job. It was great as a means to express myself and feel like I had a use again. I loved to share all the things I have learned and/or made, I loved to think that people got something out of it. I've repeated myself over and over again (I'm not under any delusion here) and I think I've about used myself up. Now, before you get all upset that I'm putting an end to ShE's NoT yOuR aVeRaGe MoM all together (yes, that would be, 3 of you) let me assure you that I'm not. Where once I posted 5 days a week and then trickled down to 3 and then I only posted once last week, I'm really surprised anyone reads this at all! It bugs me to no end that I don't have the time I used to have to devote to this and I hate to have to kill it all, what's the solution? 

For my FB readers, I'll still be there 5 days a week like usual sharing quotes, thoughts, recipes,, no worries there. For my blogger-only readers, I will be here when I feel inspired to be. Like I have several sewing projects completed and in the works that I'll share soon and I still cook gluten-free goodies that warrant sharing as well! I am, however, going to nix the "TiP fOr TuEsDaY" segment all together. It was fun to do, but I know it's pretty lame now. I'm over it!

I haven't killed it yet folks, but perhaps a little tweaking is in order and this is exactly what I intend to do! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 308)


There is a reason why my title pic shows me juggling my kids. Yep, and you guessed it it has to do with priorities. As a kid your top priority is what? Maybe your social life, or your gaming habits, or asking "what's for dinner?" a thousand times that day? As an adult, you find that your priorities shift and this is especially true when you become a parent. I can name so many things that I want to do, but I can name so many more things that I have to do. Eh, such is life. Is it all worth it in the end? Absolutely! I want my kids to grow up knowing that they were my top-priority and that I love them and want them to be happy above everything. This is my goal. I know that it is the "in thing" to be, eh, let's say a "less-involved" parent (to be polite) and to be more concerned about yourself and your social life. What we should we be doing is raising self-sufficient, respectful, motivated, leaders of tomorrow. Here's my thoughts on the subject:

Teach your kids to do for themselves.

When they are little and eager to please, this is the time to teach them to clean up after themselves. Make it a game and keep it up through out childhood. I don't understand parents that don't teach their kids to keep their rooms clean, or to do household chores, or to clean up spills or accidents they make. Do you want them to live with you forever? I don't like cleaning up after everyone all the time, seriously, I have better things to do. I pay my kids a small allowance and let them earn the things they want. They don't do their chores, I don't pay allowance. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Make education a priority.

Not trying your best is not acceptable at my house. If you are capable of doing it, then you do it to the best of your ability. Period. Don't make excuses for your child and don't tolerate laziness when it come to their studies. "With a good education you can do anything." is the  family motto around here and we mean it! I don't expect a brood of overachieving of early burnouts, but I never tell my kids they "can't" do something. If they are willing to put in the work, then we are willing to make it happen. You want to be extraordinary? Then extraordinary shall you be!

Be respectful of others and teach it young.

Why is it that no one teaches this anymore? I am sick and tired of parents just letting their kids run wild and not teaching them to respect property, or time, or the feelings of others. Is that yours? Then don't touch it. Are you thinking of those around you? Then why not? Don't you like others to treat you with dignity? This are questions you should be asking parents and giving the answers to you children. No one person is better than another. You are not special simply because you think you are. You are unique just like that guy walking down the street and we respect the thoughts and feelings of everyone.

Make your own happiness.

No one can do it for you. I hear it all the time, people complaining that they are unhappy because of so and so's actions. How ludicrous! You and only you can choose how you react to situations and to the actions of others. I wasted too many of my years miserable because of how I was being treated. Yeah, there are a lot of jerks out there that get off on making those around them miserable. If you have a constant downer blocking your sunshine, then ditch them or deal. Don't let them make you miserable. People can't read your mind and you can't expect others around you to make you happy. Speak up for what you want, choose to be happy, and never let people treat you badly. Oh, and learn to ignore the haters! Ha!

Okay, as I read through this post I'm not sure that the body necessarily lives up to the title (so what else is new, right?). I just know that we as parents can do a better job. I get complimented constantly on how well-behaved my kids are and I don't really know why! I mean, they are kids! They love to drive me nuts, but know how much I love them and know that it is enough to make sure they behave. They watch your every move and you are disrespectful, then they will be more disrespectful and if you are lazy, they will be lazier. I see it every day and it makes me sick.

Friday, September 16, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 307)

J. Lamb 2011
"We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness."  ~Author Unknown

Life is full of ups and downs, sunny spots and areas of shadow, good along with the bad. That's why it's called life. If everything was always easy, or fun, or worthwhile how would you ever learn to appreciate the good? You're right, you wouldn't. Thank you to the powers that be for granting me the opportunity to experience both the good and bad in life because I have learned to appreciate the good and to never take it for granted. Just a thought....;0)

Monday, September 12, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 306)

Kellog's Rice Krispies Gluten Free
Good Monday folks! I have mostly recovered from working all weekend (my house included) and I'm raring to be sharing one of my fabulous "likes" with you! Can you say yummy-cereal-goodness? Yay! After months of anticipation, look what I found on my local grocery store shelf! GF Rice Krispies! (queue disembodied angelic choir...ahhhhh!!!!) ;0)

GF peeps know, when there are so many things that you just CAN'T have, it is so cool when they come out with that you used to eat, that you now CAN have. YES!! According to my GF eater, they are "better than the original" and I have to agree. Same crispy, crunchy texture...same legendary "SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! when you add milk, how can you go wrong? I can't wait to make Rice Krispies Treats with it either, yum!

Thank you Kellog's for the great product and I encourage everyone else to give them a try. Good stuff for sure! SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! and tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe....try it, I'll bet you like it too! ;0)

Friday, September 9, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr tHe dAy (post 305)

J. Lamb 2011
"We all leave footprints in the sand, the question is, will we be a big heal, or a great soul?" ~Unknown

Do you ever wonder what impact you have in the lives of others? If you have the privilege to be a parent or a mentor or teacher, then you have to know that you have the power to shape and mold these little souls. Such a heavy responsibility to be entrusted with! But, a labor of love none the less and one I wouldn't trade for the anything! Just a thought...;0)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 304)

The pitfalls of being too nice.


This right here will be going on my door as soon as I'm done writing this. I am probably going to regret admitting this, but I really am too nice. I have been swindled out of money and services and ended up with countless subscriptions and other things I don't need. It's been so bad that I usually just shut the door right after I open it bidding the solicitor good day and not giving them a second thought. Perhaps I was caught off guard today, I'm not sure really how it happened, but a sweet college student from Estonia saddled me with a hefty bill for something I didn't need. I should have just shut the door. Sigh.

Too many years of people pleasing in the customer service industry has warped my ability to be effective at saying NO. I can say it to my kids alright. I can tell my man the same thing. I can't for the life of me figure out why someone at the door is so different. Since I'm obviously no good at it I thought I'd seek out a little help and found an article at Woman's Day. I also found an article here about "How to Stop Being a People Pleaser". It actually looks really helpful in breaking the cycle all together. 

What it all boils down to is maybe, just maybe, I should stop them from knocking on the door altogether. (Or at least discourage it) A friend of mine has a sign on her door discouraging people from knocking by claiming the dogs will eat the offenders and perhaps that is a bit extreme (if not really funny). I think I'll post my sign and work on leaving the customer service skills at work where they belong for now. Oh, that and figure out how to return something to Estonia. Sigh. ;0P

Friday, September 2, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 303)

J. Lamb 2011
“To become truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them.”
~Charles de Montesquieu
I listened as my man explained to one of the kids, "No one person is better than another. It doesn't matter what color you are, how you grew up, what religion you follow, there is no such thing as anyone being better than anyone else." We believe wholeheartedly in this and have taken the time to teach our kids as well. You can't judge someone based on how they look or act and you cannot view yourself as "better" than anyone else. We are all individuals and have the right to live how we see fit and it is not up to us judge. Nor would I ever want to...just a thought.