I want each of my friends to know that I respect and support them in all that they do. I miss all the friends/family I don't get to see everyday and think of, pray for (when asked), and wish nothing but happiness for all. What do I ask in return? Nothing. Nothing, but show the same respect to me in return. I've learned that not all of you are able to reflect my nonjudgmental, supportive, respectful attitude I have toward all and that is really a shame. I am fully aware that you are all entitled to your opinions and even to your opinions regarding me, my actions, my parenting skills, my clothes and whatnot...that is your right. I just want everyone to know that if they cannot keep those opinions that are destructive, critical, judgmental, pious to themselves, then I respectfully ask you to no longer include me as a "friend."
Sounds like one of those stupid copy and paste facebook statuses, huh? It took soooo much self-restraint last week for me not to post this as my status and fearing it would be dismissed as a stupid "copy and paste" status and be largely ignored by my 513? FB friends. Um, yeah. So, what's up? Remember all those posts I used to write about being nonjudgmental, respectful, supportive? Well, I really am like that in real life. No fronting for internet purposes here folks, I'm straight up fo' sho'! ;) Even if I don't share your beliefs or skin color or sexual orientation or viewpoint, I will not judge you and support whatever it is you believe or do. No explanations necessary. Know what I don't appreciate? When I am questioned for what I believe or think or do. I know I'm a decent person. I care deeply for people. I want to try to be better. I am raising my kids to be decent human beings. I don't need anyone in my life that can't be supportive of me as I am of them. Period.