Friday, May 7, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

"Judge not, that ye be not judged", Matthew 7:1.

I know what you're thinking...why is she quoting from the good book? Hey nothing wrong with being well-read I say and the good book is packed with a plethora of great advice, so it is what is.=0) The point, oh yes I do have one of would be not to be so quick to judge others. You know as in situations, appearances, what not. You never know what is really going on behind people's actions unless that person is you. I try so hard not to be judgmental of people, I know what it feels like to be singled out for not being like everyone else. I spent a good part of my childhood not knowing that it really is okay to be different and try to encourage my kids to stand out and shine bright as well. Being a little more open minded might very well be the key to saving the human race from eternal damnation...maybe not! That's it. Just a thought!=0)

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