Friday, May 21, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

Respect. Why is it there seems to be a whole lot less of it these days? And why isn't it being taught to our children? I am huge on this and the serious lack of it. Respect for others, respect for people's property, respect for yourself. Gone it seems are the values taught to us by generation after generation and it's such a simple concept too.
Respect that other people don't think the way you do. What a dull and boring place this life would be if everyone thought exactly the same! No different opinions, no perspective from a different angle, no new, innovative, creative ideas from others.
Respect other people's things. Is it yours? Why are you touching it then? How would you like it if it was yours and someone else just took it or broke it? Exactly. Think that way as you go about your business, teach your kids the same.
Respect yourself. Respect your body, your mind, your way of thinking. Enjoy the fact that there is no one else just like you. When people know that you respect yourself, they will respect you as well.
Lastly, respect your children. They aren't just mini-you's and have different opinions and thoughts and feelings from you and respect their ability to be able to have just that. When my kids need disciplining, I don't talk down to them, or make fun of them, I am fair and honest always. I tell them why they are getting punished, tell the what behavior needs to change, and why. I also tell them afterwords how much I love them. I respect my kids as individuals...and when you show them respect...they respect you. Just a thought...


Maharry Balls said...

Well it's a fine thought to have! It is so true that if you respect your self others will as well. And when you respect yourself you're likely to respect others...a glorious circle if you ask me!! I like that you see your children for the individuals that they are, I find this to be very important in parenting. Well said Jessica!

jgirl said...

Thank you so much Amy! ;0)

Cara said...

It is one my huge pet peeves when kids take a short cut through our yard or go get their ball without asking. I always tell my kids they have to ask first, just like Mom always made us do. I agree, there's way too little respect these days and a lot of ill-mannered people out there.