Tuesday, May 11, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Take Your Vitamins!

I am a huge fan of the daily supplement. I attribute this to my man and watch as he gets sick a lot less, has more energy and keeps chronic ailments at bay, such as migraines. It really works as far as I'm concerned...and definitely find myself sick less, having more stamina, etc. Doing a little research on the effectiveness of certain supplements really goes along way a decent resource would be here. Here's what I take on a daily basis:
A multi-vitamin. The one I take is formulated for specifically for women and contains all the necessary daily nutrients plus calcium, iron, and zinc.

Acidophilus. The same "friendly" bacteria that is found in the intestinal tract and helps promote healthy intestinal function. Basically the same stuff as in yogurt without all the fat and calories and without having to eat gallons of it! I use it to keep me regular and it is also effective for keeping yeast infections at bay.

600 mg Calcium with Vitamin D. Calcium is a must for a woman's bone health and especially when osteoporosis runs on both sides of your family (as it does in mine) this supplement is a no-brainer! 600 mg is the recommended daily dosage and make sure it contains Vitamin D, as this helps with absorption.

Super strength Cranberry. This is a must for urinary tract health, especially when you are prone to urinary tract infections...as I am! As long as I take this on a daily basis and drink plenty of water, I have no worries...well about bladder infections, (which suck BTW!)anyway! =0)

Fish Oil. For years I suffered from migraines, they came on from stress and run hand in hand with hypoglycemia (unfortunately) and I would still get one about every other week, unless I make sure to take my 1200 mg of fish oil daily. I was actually taking 1000 mg, but noticed I was still getting migraines occasionally. I upped the dosage to 1200 mg and that seems to have done the trick! If you are concerned with any fishy after taste take the enteric coated kind and take with milk or yogurt.

L-lysine. L-lysine is a must if you get canker sores, cold sores, or any kind of mouth sores. I no longer get canker sores when I'm stressed and my oldest boy, who suffers from chronic cold sores, takes it when he's getting one and it clears right up! I'm actually amazed at how quickly it clears up too!
As you can see I really love the benefits of taking my vitamins and in such a busy world where it's easy to get run down, I believe they are a must. I mean I hate being sick or run down and it makes me ornery when I can't get things accomplished like I want! So here's your tip for Tuesday...give it a try, who knows? It may just work for ya! =0)


Cara said...

As soon as I'm done nursing I'm going to take all of those too instead of my prenatal vitamin. :)

Jamiecrafts said...

thanks for the info, i too am a migraine sufferer, and james always gets cold sores so I am going to get that stuff as well.