Tuesday, May 4, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

I'm not going to lie to you. I am not a great and glorious spotless clean house of a Mom! Too many years of working full time and cleaning in the half hour I had not taken up by running various children to where they need to be, running to work, etc...all of which has taken a toll on my clutter free skills. This being said, I have found myself with a little more time on my hands as of late...and have had to reevaluate my way of doing things. This is what I've found that seems to work:

1. If you walk by it and it doesn't belong there, pick it up. How many times do you walk past the sneakers left by the front door before you actually pick them up? Exactly. When you walk past grab them, deposit them where they need to go...grab what ever else is out of place along the way. I actually have found if I walk the public spaces of the house with a laundry basket, I can easily pick up what doesn't belong and start at one end of the house and work to the other putting the errant items away.
2. Start the kids out helping early. My kids all learned to clean up after themselves as toddlers. We sang the clean up song and made it into a game and now that they are older, I give them a small allowance each week to clean up after themselves. My kids are 11, 9, and 7 and I use them to help. Not only are teaching your kids life sills that they can use into adult-hood, you're helping yourself out by not spending all day cleaning! My kids, empty the dishwasher, rinse off their dishes after any meal and load the dishwasher, clean their bathroom by wiping all surfaces and the toilet, they clean their rooms and help put away laundry as well. The kids also empty trashes throughout the house and make their own beds.This helps me out tons!=0)
3. Pick a room a day to deep clean. I pick a bathroom to scrub or deep clean the kitchen, or reorganize a closet. Don't get me wrong, I wipe down everything when it's dirty, but occasionally things need a good scrubbing!=0)
4. Do at least 1 load of laundry everyday. This includes, folding and putting it away! I feel like I do laundry more than just about anything else...with five people in the house and the kids not getting any cleaner, I imagine this will be the case for quite some time to come! As long as I do at least one load from start to finish daily, it is definitely manageable!
5. Chill. I know so many Mom's out there that stress out about the cleanliness of their abodes...let me share a secret...don't. This is how I think about it: My kids are happy, everyone got fed, everyone has SOMETHING clean to wear, nothing smells horrible, and I deep cleaned something today. So, I'm good...and if your in-laws have something to say about your house, invite them to clean!
Here's your tip for Tuesday...it works for me, maybe it will for you too! =0)


Cara said...

Like Grandma Lebbon always says, "Put your head before your heels." :)

jgirl said...

love G'ma Lebbon's sayings! ;0)