Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Don't forget to take some "Me" time. (and don't feel guilty about it either!)

You know the old adage, "If Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy!" Have really ever thought about how true that really is? Nobody wants to slave away unappreciated ALL the time! So, set apart a little time in your day to do something for just you! I have a friend (hero, actually) who has 5 kids, 2 not in school yet and has time to work on her passion as well! Click here to see! It makes me want the same in my life. I "reward" myself for accomplishing whatever household chores I got done that day with a little computer time, or painting , or playing music, or taking pictures. Not only does this make me feel better about tackling the never ending dirty laundry piles, but it helps me be me. You know, the happy version...not the Momster (as my kids call me, ha!) version who is grouchy about cleaning the table for umpteenth time today! I actually told my daughter the other day that she was making me grouchy...she answered with a, "what do you mean making you?" as if to say I already was...hmmm...
Now who says Moms don't deserve some "ME" time too? Take some time...the laundry will still be there when you get back! Ha! Here's your tip for Tuesday, it works for me...maybe it'll work for you! =0)


Jamiecrafts said...

THANK you so much, I am glad to see that someone enjoys looking at all the cards I make, and thanks for always posting comments, i really do love reading them. as far as the hero thing, I feel very blessed to have people in my life like you, THANKS!

jgirl said...

You are so very welcome Jamie...and you really do rock BTW! ;0)