Monday, May 3, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

Bath and Body Works Pocket Bac with holder!

Okay I'll admit it, I'm a bit of closet germaphobe. Well, I'd be a lot worse if I didn't have three germy kids running around! The thought of touching disgusting, body fluid encrusted surfaces is enough to make me me want to hurl! Yuck! Okay so how does one navigate in society knowing that there is no possible way to avoid coming in contact with such...dare I say it?...germs? Why with Bath and Body Works Pocket Bac of course! Great for killing germs, great for not killing my poor hands! With a menagerie of signature scents, you'll be sure to find one that you just love! I love Coconut Lime Verbena, just in case you were wondering! ;0)
Now I know if you are hardcore, kid hauling Mom such as no doubt have a good sized purse slung over your shoulder most of the time...great for carrying all the Mom essentials, not so good for your sanity when they've all magically fallen to the bottom of it! That's where the Pocket Bac holder comes in so handy! I attach this puppy to side of my purse loaded with antibacterial goodness and I instantly become armed for anti germ-warfare in a flash!
So if you are in the need for germ fighting in a flash, try Bath and Body Works Pocket Bac with holder...I'll bet you like it! I know I do! =0)


Katrina said...

I never knew they had those, thanks!

jgirl said...

you're welcome! ;0)