Friday, May 14, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

I love you. Three small, but powerful words. They have the power to make someone's day, they have the power to heal. These three small words can begin an entire journey and tuck your little one's in at night. "I love you Momma", as my baby hugs me tight. My load is lightened, my insight refreshed...all the things that weighed me down during the day have suddenly been erased by three such small powerful words. Take the time to tell your spouse this today and mean it! Take the time to tell each one of your kids as you tuck them in tonight. I love you today, I love you tomorrow, I love you into the vast unknown that is our future. I wanted you before I knew, I needed you in my life, I'll love you till we meet again. Wield the power of the most powerful phrase known to the English language...I LOVE YOU. Just a thought. =0)


Cara said...

Very true! Ainsley aksed me today if I still had my "baby fat". I think I'd rather she said she loved me. :)

jgirl said...

Drake told me for days, "you get to pick me up everyday 'cuz you got fired!" ummm, yeah...=0P

Maharry Balls said...

"I love you" is very powerful indeed! It is great you're teaching your kids to express themselves and to feel :)