Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDay (post 297)

J. Lamb 2011

I had a discussion with a friend the other day and we were talking about the actions of others. I confessed that I am not an example and don't pretend to be. I don't understand why people feel the need to be so dishonest with others and themselves. She pointed out to me that at least I am being honest. Honest. What does that word really mean? When we are honest with each other we are showing respect to one another. Likewise, when we are honest we are showing respect for ourselves. Funny how that works.

Let's say that you just allow someone to think you are something you are not, isn't that the same thing as being dishonest? Of course. Does the world really paint itself in such black and white hues? No, of course not. Just as someone is dishonest, someone can choose to stick their heads in the sand I suppose. That's the funny thing about reality, you have to actively participate in it too. Some people just don't participate. Being the realist that I am, I think I've got that mastered. ;0)

You can only pretend to be someone you're not for so long you know...someone always figures you out. This is something I've pointed out to my children many a time and encourage them to be honest always. I know that honesty isn't the popular thing these days and some people make a great living out of being dishonest. Sad as it is, it's true. Just because everyone else is jumping off a cliff, doesn't mean you should too you know. How about we as parents set the example and be honest in our business dealings, with our families, and ultimately with ourselves. Heaven forbid we start a movement in honesty!

I confess...I am not the all-knowing parenting guru and I can improve a great many things. I am, however, honest with you and myself and know this. I encourage everyone to be more honest and likewise, to join the rest of us in reality (for those of among us that need help with that) and be honest with ourselves.

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