Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 269)

As I imagine you're thinking, "Wait? Isn't it Wednesday?" It is. Turns out that a power outage yesterday morning knocked my computer out for most of the day and I had every intention of blogging this yesterday. (Seriously!) I mean, I suppose the day later posting could be viewed as procrastinated effort on my part, but no, I assure you that this isn't the case! (I'm also imagining that you care one way or the other...just give me this, even if you didn't notice in the first, yeah.)

Letting go.

I blinked somewhere, because when I picture my kids in my mind's eye they look like the picture above. My baby's chubby arms around my neck saying. "I wuv you Momma"...sigh. My daughter with her mousy little voice, stubborn streak, and perpetual thumb-face and my oldest boy glued to his leap-pad and infectious giggle still rings in my ears as I close my eyes. They were all so cute and good and a lot of work as a single Mom, but so rewarding...even if I went to bed every night at 9. ;0) They were perfectly happy with little treats from the dollar store, with walking to the park a block away, and with a visit from their favorite Uncle (and babysitter).

Today, they are growing like weeds and are far more independent than I probably give them credit for. They can ride their bikes to the playground 3 blocks away by themselves (and use the crosswalk and come back at a specific time), they can shower, make simple meals, and log on to the computer to answer the Skype line themselves. They can put themselves to bed, they can fold their laundry, they can read large books, do their homework, practice their instruments, clean their bathroom, and empty and reload the dishwasher themselves.
My oldest son can pick out his own clothes and match every time. (miraculous for a boy!) My daughter is conscious of brands and trends and colors that she looks good in. She can also change, clean, and take care of her own earrings and can even paint her own nails. My baby can look up words in the dictionary and rides his bike (now) with ease.

Mom still calls every one of them "baby", still kisses them before bed (even the one who protests), and has been known to follow any one of them around requesting a nose blow. Mom sighs that the only birthday request are for video games and trips to the arcade. The constant bickering drives her insane. Grr...

I have to relinquish the notion that they will be little forever. I have two in Intermediate school this coming up school year and get constant requests for rides to and from various friends' houses. My daughter wants to be stylish and my son is taking two honors classes this year. My baby isn't even a baby any more, he's just the littlest! Even he is growing up before my eyes. They are all growing up before my eyes. And Mom is working on letting go. That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY...;0)

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