Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 282)

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Mathew 24:13

I don't know about you, but for me patience isn't all that easy. When you live in a 24/7, always connected, sleep deprived society, the term "be patient" doesn't really apply. You have access to a plethora of knowledge with a few clicks and entertainment on a whim. Everything is faster, brighter, louder, busier than just a few years ago and when it comes to actually having to wait for something, we complain. So, you need to be more patient in your life, but don't know where to start? Try this:

Work with the elderly/disabled.
"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them
master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight..."
~ Helen Keller
Volunteering time to those who are in need (especially those who cannot do for themselves) is a great way to be more patient. You can't rush through things and have to take the time to appreciate what you have. Consider it.
Take a time out from the all-connected society in which we live. Vacation someplace remote where you simply can't be connected. Declare media free days at home. Although I limit media exposure in my home, some days we just turn it all off. I watch my kids get out their toys and imagine and play games and we get to spend quality time together. Appreciating them for who they are is a great way to just be patient and watch them grow.
Plant a garden.
Flowers and plants, much like children, grow at their own pace. You can't rush them either! If you are lucky enough to have room in your yard, take advantage of it and plant flowers and vegetables with your family and make it a family project. If not, plant things in pots on window sills and porches and the result is the same.
Teach someone a skill you have, be it your child or in a volunteer setting. You have to be patient to learn and you have to be patient to teach. Give of yourself and put yourself in the shoes of the person learning. You didn't know how to do this once and remember how you felt as you were learning, it will help.
Take time for a little meditation.
I am a huge fan of this when I am all out of patience. Sitting in a quiet room and letting my mind go free is just what I usually need to reset and come back ready for action. 20 minutes of undisturbed silence = heaven. Even when you have little ones, don't feel bad if you do this while the baby naps or for a few minutes after your partner gets home. Teach older kids to respect your time and to leave you alone (just for a little while) and you'll be surprised at how much such a small ritual can help.
Patience, speaking of which I have a child insistent on trying mine today. Mothers of preteen girls, I feel your pain...sigh. ;0) Perhaps a little teaching of a skill is in order for the day!

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