Friday, July 29, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr tHe DaY (post 293)

J. Lamb 2011
Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Follow the lead of our youngest members of society and live life with a passion. It would such a shame to look back on your life when you are old and see that you didn't effect change or you didn't brighten the life of another or that you sat and watched the world go by instead of embracing it fully. Just a thought...;0)

Thursday, July 28, 2011


J. Lamb 2011
"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same" ~ Marianne Williamson
I know you must be looking at the day and thinking, wait, its not Friday is it? I know I usually use this type of format on Fridays, I've just been in the dumps a bit lately and thought I'd give a little boost in hopes of it rubbing off on me. 
In years past, I know that I have suffered from low self-esteem. I look back at the decisions I've made over the years and some of them just scream, "I AM PATHETIC AND I THINK NO ONE LIKES ME!" I am not going to sit here and tell you that I don't catch myself thinking about not being good enough occasionally, but I recognize it as destructive and correct it. If you exude light, you will attract others to it. It's strange to think, but very true. I was picked on horribly growing up, made fun of for absolutely everything I couldn't help. I was skinny and awkward and never wanted anything, but for people to like me and include me. It's impossible when you are so young and so easily influenced by your peers to know that your tormentors are the people who are wrong and not you. I developed a really thick skin over the years and by the time high school rolled around, I could pretty much ignore anyone. When I met my now ex-husband, I didn't realize that my deep rooted self-esteem issues showed and I attracted people that weren't that good for me. He was controlling and verbally and physically abusive and spent so many years not knowing why nothing I did was good enough. Until I had had enough.
If you ever catch yourself thinking, why do bad things happen to me?, all the time maybe you should be working on you, not anyone else. My sister has a saying up in her home that says, "The only person you can control is you". I can't control situations, people, or things, but I can control me. Me alone. People describe me as confident in my abilities and I don't know if that's accurate, but I do know who I am. Maybe that's the key. I can control how I act and react to situations and people and concentrate on accepting people for who they are as opposed to trying to control them.
Shine bright and exude that light. Teach that by example to your children and share it with your peers. Love yourself to start and show people how to love you back. I feel better, how about you? ;0D

Monday, July 25, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 291)

Sensible Portions Veggie Straws!

Must be Monday because I'm in the liking and sharing type mood! Boy, it's a great one too! Have you tried the snacks from Sensible Portions yet? I'm here to share that their Veggie Straws are simply divine! All Natural, 0g trans fat, No preservatives, and taste great too! In fact, I have a bag on my lap for er...research (snacking mostly) and my kids have begged me several times for some as well. If the kids are bugging me for my snacks, then you know they have to be good! These have no gluten ingredients, but the disclaimer on the back mentions they are manufactured in a facility that processes wheat. My gluten-free eater loves them and has had no reaction at all. Although, I wouldn't necessarily eat a load of them if you are overly sensitive without some caution. (Just an FYI) I pick up 20 oz bags of them at Costco, yum!

Thank you Sensible Portions for a great snacking experience! This is definitely what I like, try them and I'll bet you like them too! ;0D

Friday, July 22, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 290)

"Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives." ~C. S. Lewis
And it indeed it is. What's the quickest way to show someone you love them? A hug, a kiss, both signs of affection and both a quick trip to happiness. I know I can't be mad anymore if my little one is curled up on my lap. No matter how annoyed I am with my man, if he hugs me and gives me a kiss I just can't keep it up. Take a second and give a hug away today and give the gift of happiness. Just a thought...;0)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Don't be embarrassed

Yup, that's my girl! ;0)
 A friend told me once that she and her kids were on their way out of Costco with a full cart when her daughter toppled out of the cart and started wailing loudly (she wasn't hurt). "I was so embarrassed!", she complained and I just shook my head. Is there a parenting rule that I am not aware of that states, "The behavior of your children is a direct reflection of you as a parent"? Perhaps I have it all wrong.

I have taught my children from a very young age that they are to respect other people's property and space and that no one person is "better" than another. I have taught them to be respectful of the feelings of others as well. That being said, farting in public seems to be the joke that never gets old. My oldest shouts instead of speaks and sometimes it would be better if we were all deaf...if you know what I mean. They think it's hilarious to make faces and be obnoxious in public as well and does this somehow make me a bad mom? Nope. Personally I think that quite the opposite is true, I think that it shows that I encourage them to be themselves. I think that it shows that I care about their self-esteems and I think that it shows that I encourage them to be creative as well.

Are you being embarrassed because your kid is commenting loudly about the smell in the restroom or are you not comfortable on your own skin? "I refuse to be embarrassed by anything that my kids do. They are individuals and I encourage that." Like I told my friend, my children aren't a reflection of me, I am merely the guide. Guide them and encourage them to be their best and step back and let them. ;0)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 288)

Being realistic.

I'm awesome. (Well, not really) I'm fashionable. (Except when it's hot or I'm tired) I'm a great parent. (My kids watched 4 hours of cartoons on Netflix yesterday...sure, I am) I don't want to come across as having it all together here and I'm really not the expert on anything. I spent some time reading over my past posts and I get the feeling that I come across as a know-it-all. Trust me, that is sooooo not the case! No, I am tired some days, overwhelmed some others, and disorganized most of the time. The days I accomplished cleaning, cooking, and work as well, are miraculous to say the least! I don't want people to think I am some all-accomplished, super-knowledgeable, go-getter awesome Mom. Realistically, I'm out of great ideas and time and honestly that's okay. ;0)

Friday, July 15, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 287)

J. Lamb 2011
"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." ~Oscar Wilde
I suppose this mistake in thinking could be easily done. As a parent I spend more time doing everything else for others before I do for me and when I insist upon time for ME it could be considered selfish to some. I assure you it is not. Time for yourself should never be considered selfish. Parenting is an often thankless job, perhaps the beneficiaries of you and your hard work are being selfish by not letting you pursue some time for you. Didn't think of it that way, huh? Never let You be put on the back burner of your own happiness...just a thought. ;0)

Monday, July 11, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 286)

Psst... something great is happening at Levi's!
Happy Monday folks! I have something fabulous in mind for the day...great fitting jeans! ;0D Are you like me and have the worst time finding great fitting jeans? Ladies, you needn't suffer any more! The best thing to happen to ladies' jeans is here!:

LEVI'S CURVE ID JEANS!! (Click here for the Curve ID quiz)

Do your jeans fit too snug at the waist? (You might be a Slight curve)
Do your jeans fit, but don't flatter? (You might be a Demi curve)
Do your jeans gap in the back? (You might be a Bold curve)

Trust me, Levi's has thought of all of this! They have a great new style of jeans made to fit the shape of almost any woman  and have engineered jeans to fit even YOU! ;0D Check the site or even better, visit your nearest Levi's store for a custom fit! The stylists are super helpful and knowledgeable and dedicated to helping you find a great fitting pair of jeans you'll love! Visit today and ask for a bounce back card good for $10 off on your next pair of Curve ID's!  tHiS iS definitely what i LiKe! Check them out! ;0D

Thursday, July 7, 2011


"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I shared this quote on my FB fan page yesterday. It suggests that beauty lies within and as I was thinking about it again this morning, the thought of "beauty lies with the beholder"came to mind. Both of which are absolutely true. What I deem beautiful may be totally opposite of what you think is beautiful. I happen to be a huge Chili Peppers fan and the lyrics to "Around the World" came to mind as well.

I know, I know for sure
That life is beautiful around the world
I know, I know it's you
You say, "hello" and I say, "I do"
 (The video is here if you want!)
J. Lamb 2011

I think it is impossible to find true beauty without finding it within yourself. Of course this statement comes from someone who appreciates beauty in all things, blame it on a creative background. I love to take pictures of interesting things. I love color and interest in all things. When you stop focusing on what everyone else thinks is attractive, you can really see beauty in everything. Even in a bed of weeds.

Find beauty within as well. I have done so many things wrong in my life, hurt people I love, hurt myself more. I still don't do everything right and make the same mistakes over and over again. I was so hard on myself for so long, let people treat me badly, didn't stand up for me. I didn't feel beautiful inside or out. I am a tad cynical and a realist though. I know there are many more people who better looking than me, smarter and better put together than me too, but I can't let that stop me from shining my brightest for me and me alone. As a parent you find yourself doing everything for everyone else and you end up last every time. You want to do something for yourself, but feel guilty for wanting more. Don't. You can't spend your life standing around hoping that someone will ride up on a white horse and make all your dreams come true, it just ain't gonna happen! You are in charge of your own happiness and give yourself permission to be happy and beautiful within. It's okay, really. I imagine my kids looking back and thinking, "Mom was firm and loving and showed it's okay to be the very best me possible."

We have a saying in our house:

I just want you to be the very best (insert name) possible.

I never knew I was really smart or talented or even good looking. It never occurred to me that I shouldn't be worried about what anyone else thought or whether they liked me or not. I just didn't think I could do anything and was so scared to fail, I didn't try. I've missed out on so many things and experiences and because of it, I feel like I'm in a constant holding pattern. There are so many things I wish I could do now, but I have other obligations (and that's okay). I learned to love myself, but it took a really long time and it isn't an exact science either. Constant tweaking and reminding are needed.

Okay, I'm rambling (shocking, I know!), I just want to encourage everyone to take a minute to find beauty in something not considered beautiful. Then I want you to find something beautiful within yourself. Let's see, for me today it's the beautiful azure sky above my ugly wall and waste high weeds in my backyard. In me, I think my ability to accept people for exactly who they are is beautiful. How about you?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 284)

A long holiday weekend make a blog-slacker be, not that I played all weekend mind you. Nope. I actually only really had yesterday off and took full advantage of the day with my kids. We rose early and traveled some and got sunburned, ate some awesome stuff, played a ton, and made it home very, very late. It was awesome! Despite running on maybe 6 hours of sleep, it was just what I needed to refuel and to tackle the mundane reality of the working Mom.
J. Lamb 2011
All that being said, I want to suggest to my over-planning, perfectionist counterparts (myself included), take a day trip. Don't worry if the kids didn't eat anything but junk all day. Don't worry if no one got enough sleep. Don't worry about time and schedules and obligations. Pack the kids up and take them someplace you can all enjoy. Play with them too. Keep it simple and uncomplicated and just enjoy each other. It's the activities like these I best remember from growing up and also the memories I cherish. You're making memories, so make them easy to remember and enjoy!  Because you really don't want them to only remember the frazzled, overworked, "This is supposed to be fun, so quit crying!" Mom. That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0D