Monday, July 11, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 286)

Psst... something great is happening at Levi's!
Happy Monday folks! I have something fabulous in mind for the day...great fitting jeans! ;0D Are you like me and have the worst time finding great fitting jeans? Ladies, you needn't suffer any more! The best thing to happen to ladies' jeans is here!:

LEVI'S CURVE ID JEANS!! (Click here for the Curve ID quiz)

Do your jeans fit too snug at the waist? (You might be a Slight curve)
Do your jeans fit, but don't flatter? (You might be a Demi curve)
Do your jeans gap in the back? (You might be a Bold curve)

Trust me, Levi's has thought of all of this! They have a great new style of jeans made to fit the shape of almost any woman  and have engineered jeans to fit even YOU! ;0D Check the site or even better, visit your nearest Levi's store for a custom fit! The stylists are super helpful and knowledgeable and dedicated to helping you find a great fitting pair of jeans you'll love! Visit today and ask for a bounce back card good for $10 off on your next pair of Curve ID's!  tHiS iS definitely what i LiKe! Check them out! ;0D

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