Thursday, July 21, 2011

Don't be embarrassed

Yup, that's my girl! ;0)
 A friend told me once that she and her kids were on their way out of Costco with a full cart when her daughter toppled out of the cart and started wailing loudly (she wasn't hurt). "I was so embarrassed!", she complained and I just shook my head. Is there a parenting rule that I am not aware of that states, "The behavior of your children is a direct reflection of you as a parent"? Perhaps I have it all wrong.

I have taught my children from a very young age that they are to respect other people's property and space and that no one person is "better" than another. I have taught them to be respectful of the feelings of others as well. That being said, farting in public seems to be the joke that never gets old. My oldest shouts instead of speaks and sometimes it would be better if we were all deaf...if you know what I mean. They think it's hilarious to make faces and be obnoxious in public as well and does this somehow make me a bad mom? Nope. Personally I think that quite the opposite is true, I think that it shows that I encourage them to be themselves. I think that it shows that I care about their self-esteems and I think that it shows that I encourage them to be creative as well.

Are you being embarrassed because your kid is commenting loudly about the smell in the restroom or are you not comfortable on your own skin? "I refuse to be embarrassed by anything that my kids do. They are individuals and I encourage that." Like I told my friend, my children aren't a reflection of me, I am merely the guide. Guide them and encourage them to be their best and step back and let them. ;0)


Cara said...

Gavin pointed at the lady in front of us in line the other day and said, "Mommy? When's that lady gonna move?!?" I told him she'd move when she was done paying for her stuff. She was being kind of slow. :) Good advice Sissy.

jgirl said...

Love that Gavin boy! ;0D