Thursday, April 22, 2010

Passing on the nostalgic...

Isn't it great how everything we loved as children in the eighties, has come back into popularity with a vengeance? I for one, love it! I have had all sorts of fun sharing various videos, toys, apparel that I thought was awesome as a child with my three. We watched The Chipmunk Adventure movie as a family last night. I amused myself by quoting lines all the way through it. (I know, but my sis ad I watched it constantly!) It is great way to bond with your kids and to stay young, I mean being a grown-up has plenty of perks, it just gets to be so serious!
I have two little boys ages 7 and 10, they love anything to do with Lego's. I have found various pieces and Lego men in furniture, stuck in the carpet, or the bottom of my feet for the last several years. The other night I decided (since I'm not working at the moment)to take on the task of sorting through the giant bin they store their massive collection in. (I know, what's wrong with me?) I recruited the boys as helpers and as we dug through the piles I kept hearing excited exclamations of "That's where he went!" and "I've been looking everywhere for that!" My younger son found three TNMT Lego men (Ninja Turtles) that belonged to a wrestling Lego set hey had received a few years ago. He set them aside and we worked a little longer before I got tired of sorting through tiny plastic bricks and went to make dinner.
After dinner my man and I were on the porch swing out front when my younger son came out to say good night holding the little Ninja Turtle Lego man. "Mom? What is da Ninja Tuwtle's name with da puwple mask?" Hmmm...I had to think. My little brother was obsessed with the silly Ninja Turtles as a child and as I got the job of babysitting him most of the time, I was exposed to great deal of them...and "I should know this" came to mind. "Umm, Donatello?", I guessed. "Then what is da name of da Ninja Tuwtle with da blue mask then?", my son asked. My mind went blank. Crap! "I don't know...", I confessed. I bounced ideas of my man (who was no help, BTW...)before getting up to find my phone. "Where awe you going?", my son asked. "To ask your Uncle..."
I imagine my little brother and whoever he was hanging out with at the time was quite amused at the text I sent read: Quiz for ya...what is the name of the Ninja Turtle with the purple mask? He replied: Donatello. Before I had even finished reading the word I knew who the Ninja Turtle with the blue mask's name was...I texted him back: So, the blue one's name is Leonardo then? He confirmed my query and texted me something about if I was asking him because he was the expert or something. I just blamed it on his nephews wanting to know.
Go ahead, be silly...round up your favorite movie as a kid on DVD and enjoy it with your family! Pretend that eighties, full of bad taste in cars, hairstyles, home decor, but bad-ass kid's cartoons never came to an end! =0)

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