Thursday, April 29, 2010

You're really going to eat that?

In the land of kids and Moms and eating, there is inevitably going to be some strange things that kids are going to like to know, strange things that one wouldn't really think go together. My kids eat strange things like: Ranch with Pizza, ranch with fries, mustard on everything (my youngest), yogurt on poptarts, they only like honey butter on pancakes (not syrup, go figure!)...and my sister probably has the only kids I know that refuse to eat Mac 'n cheese!
I ran a quick poll among my fellow Facebook parents and here's some of the interesting food choices their kids eat:

Jessica Johnson Lamb: Hey, I need some help with my next blog post...tell me what strange things your kids like to eat...(Thanks for the idea Christy!)
Tue at 6:00pm

Brenna Long:
my son likes sardines
Tue at 6:21pm

Jenn Ray McGovern:
Ketchup sandwiches!
Tue at 7:03pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
Thanks guys! Keep 'em coming! Seriously, ketchup sandwiches? =0P:.
Tue at 7:04pm

John Davis:
And no I'm not kidding, "Peas"!
Tue at 7:06pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
aaaack! peas? I can't even bring myself to eat them! well..if they are still in the pod and stir-fried perhaps...=0)
Tue at 7:09pm

Vanessa Bailey:
My one year old loves tomatoes; I like them too, but I've never known a child to like them unless they are in spaghetti sauce or ketchup.
Tue at 7:49pm

Lisa Jensen Smith:
When my seven year old was 11 months, all we could get her to eat was steamed broccoli! She loved it, and we used to have to say things to her like "eat a bite of your grilled cheese, or you don't get any broccoli!" One time I put melted cheese on it thinking she would love it even more, and she wouldn't even touch it. So we went back to old fashioned, no salt, no butter, steamed broccoli.
Tue at 7:54pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
Tomatoes and Broccoli? Hey, at least they are healthy choices! =0)
Tue at 7:56pm

Lorencita Arvizo-Washington:
Anything dipped in hummus, chocolate, or ranch!
Tue at 7:56pm

Jessica Johnson Lamb:
awww...i have a dipper too...he likes everything with mustard! =0)
Tue at 7:57pm

Moral of the post? Hey, if your kids are willing to actually eat whatever disgusting thing they have on their plate...(even if you have your nose turned up), then let them! Just encourage a few healthy choices too!
Thanks Christy for the blog idea and if anyone has any more ideas shoot me a message here! BTW, Christy says she likes to eat ranch on cold tortillas! Yum?! =0)

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