Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

Get a Move on!
Be truly honest with yourself for a moment...did you devote anytime to exercise today? this week? at any point in recent memory? If the answer to is no, then why? I know all the good excuses, I've used most of them myself...but, I'll let you in on a secret...you'd feel so much better if you did! Yes, I am more than aware that the gods blessed me with skinny genes...that being said I don't exercise with any particular goal in mind, just for feel good benefits!=0) I know what I'm hearing (yes, through your computer screen) I don't have time, what do I do with the kids?, it's boring...no excuses! If I can find the time, I'll bet you can too! Here's a few tips on how to make it easier:
I don't have time. Take a 1/2 hour if necessary during your daily routine to walk up and down the stairs briskly or walk around the block a few times or if you're lucky enough to have walking trails in neighborhood take advantage of them. Take your significant other with you and make it a date! My man and I walk 3.68 miles about three days a week...we get much needed movement and a chance to talk about our lives together, it's great!=0)
What do I do with the kids? This is pretty easy no matter what age kids you have. I tend to exercise once I've sent my kids off for the day, but I can just as easily take them with me or even play a sport or active game with them as a family. If you have little ones, strap them in, bundle them up, push them along...I'll bet they'll love it! Somebody invented the stroller for a reason right? Start them out early by setting a great moving example! Make active family time a regular occurrence...you'll bond as a family and set the tone for your kids growing up. My man and I take the kids to the park and play ball or ride bikes in our 'hood, or you could pony-up some moola and attend the local pool or rec center.
It's boring. Well, then change it up a bit! Take along your favorite tunes or try a route you haven't gone on before. Bike instead of walk. Swim instead of hike. Just try something new and switch things around...I'll bet you'll like if you try it! =0)
I know I feel so much better when I take the time to get a little movement in my life. I sleep better, my stress level goes down, I'm in a much better mood as well! (I'm sure my family appreciates that!) Give it a try...I'll bet you like it!=0)

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