Tuesday, May 3, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 253)

My world feels a little like this morning...deflated, devoid of color. Life is stressful right? More times than not you will end up with a thousand things wrong at once and it gets to you. Yesterday was one of those days. Many, many things to do on not enough sleep, coupled with the ups and downs of existing and I feel the effects this morning. This morning the washer is broken, I got some disheartening news, and it seems no matter how hard I work it gets me nowhere. It seems the pity party is in full swing this morning! Ha, so what do you do when life as it is gets the better of you? Try this:

Take a time out.

I am a huge fan of this. I take a few minuted to read a magazine or lie down and close my eyes for 20 minutes. I'll go for a walk around my neighborhood or play a game with the kids. I always feel better when I get back to the problem and then I can tackle it at full power.

Put it into perspective.

Often the things that stress us out are minor when it comes to the big picture. The washer is broken and we don't have the funds to fix it. Such is life. Really, if we have to get a used one off of Craig's list for now it'll be okay. As long as it washes and drains and spins, I'm okay. It doesn't need to be the end of the world because it really isn't.

Fix the things you CAN fix, live with the things you CAN'T.

If you can't really fix something that's stressing you out due to circumstance or what not, then learn to live with it. If life were really meant to work out in clean straight lines with no waves or bumps, then what would the purpose of living it be? I think we are here to learn and grow and be better and you don't learn anything by not having trials. Yes it sucks. Life just does sometimes. I can't do anything about something that's stressing me out, I wish I could. I've made a commitment to work with it though rather than against it. Worrying about it constantly is getting me nowhere and stressing me out further and this is MY life, right? I can choose how I feel about it and I choose to be okay with it. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Don't stress so much. Er, okay try to do it a little less! I'll go try to find a little color and that's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I have a used washer if you need one!