Monday, February 28, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 208)

Udi's Gluten Free Bread!
Happy Gluten-free Monday people! I'm so excited to share this fantabulous find with you this morning! Udi's Gluten Free bread from Udi's Gluten Free Foods!
I'm not going to lie to you, most gluten-free breads aren't that good. Nope. My gluten free eater mostly avoids bread products like the plague (he eats lots of corn tortillas though and gf cornbread). When I do find bread, it's only good for making stuff like french toast or stuffing...not so good for sandwiches. I've wanted to try Udi's GF bread for a while now because I've heard nothing but good things about it and the other day I was surprised to find it at my local specialty grocer. "Ooh, ooh I've got to try this..." was my thought as I grabbed a loaf of the white and a loaf of the whole grain. Wow! I want to share that I was not disappointed! It looks like bread to start with, light texture air bubbles and smells like yummy whole grain bread too. Yum! It tastes great as well! I have used it for turkey sandwiches, egg sandwiches, and it made a delicious addition to the homemade french onion (leek) soup I made the other day. (Gluten-free of course!) I heated it up in the microwave and slapped some thin sliced roast beef and mayo on it and my gf eater was in french dip heaven!
Thank you Udi's for making such a fabulous product! My gf eater was in heaven as I presented him with a soy-nut butter and honey sandwich on Udi's Gluten-Free Whole Grain Bread for breakfast this morning. Take a minute to follow the link to the coupon (under the image) and save a buck while you try this fabulous bread! tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe, try it! I know you'll like it too! ;0)

Friday, February 25, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 207)

J. Lamb 2011

I know if you read all of my blogs you will be catching the fact that I am using the image from my photo of the day was so cute though, I just had to share again! I don't even have a thought bag of inspiration seems to be empty. I couldn't even think of anything to say yesterday either, bleh. Just pretend I'm sharing a profound word and I'll be better next week. I can't believe that my boy was ever so little! He couldn't quite master the art of "jumping" so, my sister was jumping and pulling him up on the bounces. So, cute and just a thought...;0)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's the use with sunshine?

I have to believe that even the people with the most "sunny" of dispositions wake up in a bad mood sometimes. Whether it's due to a lack of sleep or flux of hormones or the world itself is annoying, waking up happy all the time is an impossible task for me. It was particularly evident that I just couldn't be nice this morning. By the time that the morning was officially over, I had made two people cry and one yell...sigh.
The thing is, none of it was on purpose either. Normally, if I know I'm going to be crabby, I try to avoid interaction enough that I can adjust my mood. This morning though, I was caught off guard. I backpedaled as fast I could and pressed smile buttons on one and made faces until the other laughed. I kissed the one who yelled and apologized for being in such a foul mood.
The foul mood hung around for a good part of the day though and it has taken until just now to want to do anything, except hide in my house. I cleaned dirty stuff and that helped, I conquered a significant amount of laundry and that helped some too. I got dressed in something pretty and fixed my hair and make-up and got lots of kissys from my little one and my foul mood has slowly melted with the sunshine of the day.
Okay, so maybe the world isn't so annoying...bright smiley-faced suns and all. ;0)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 205)

What are we teaching our children?
"Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat." ~Henry Emerson Fosdick
I know my TiP fOr TuEsDaY segment is probably kinda lame to begin with but, I like to think maybe it might make you think. I should probably focus more on household tips like laundry and cooking, but there IS more to life right? I'd like to think so! I'll try to be more diligent in categorizing so, if you just want to read the household tips it'll be easier. Ha! Anyway, here goes:


noun, often attributive \ˈhāt\

Definition of HATE

a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing hate of hard work>

HATE. Seriously, what a waste of an emotion. Now don't get me wrong, I've lived more than enough life to have experienced things or actions or people who should warrant such a label...I just choose not to. Hate will eat you inside out if you let it, it'll make you think and do things that you'll later regret. Hate is contagious like the flu as well, if you hate then your kids hate, and your friends hate, and sooner or later hate will consume the good in the world.

I have found that people don't necessarily understand my views on the subject of hate either. "But, he wronged you, treated you like crap...and you don't hate him?" No. I pity him, wish he were better, hate him? No. I can't and I choose not to. I had a wonderful teacher once who gave a lecture on the subject of hate and warned of the evils letting such an emotion into your heart and I listened and strive to implement his teachings into my life. I haven't ever regretted not hating anyone or anything. Not once, not now, not ever. People are entitled to their opinions and actions. People are entitled to say or think what they will. People don't have to like me. People may hate me as well. I will not hate them back though.

Make a difference in the world and don't give into hate. Don't teach your children to hate anyone because of their color, their religion, their opinions, teach them that there are all kinds of people in the world. People will not necessarily like you or what you have to say, but that's okay. If everyone in the world thought the same, or looked the same, or believed the same things how would you know who's who? That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)

Monday, February 21, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 204)

Talk about a life saver! I'm sure everyone can relate with my half-hearted attempts at blogging last week, suffering with a bit of a cold and all. This stuff here though made it so I was able to do anything at all! I love DayQuil! If I feel nasty with a runny nose, stuffy head, slight fever, achy miserable, I reach for the DayQuil and instantly I can deal. Colds are unavoidable. I know we all like to pretend we can prevent them all, but truthfully you are going to catch one eventually and you might as well not suffer (especially when you have plenty to do, story of my life!). Thank you DayQuil for making my life easier! ;0) tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe, you should try it too!

Friday, February 18, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 203)


The world is a scary place anymore. So much turmoil and disruption and children growing up at light speed, it almost makes you want to lock your doors and never come out again. What can you really do though? Keep your children close to you, know where they are and what they are doing at all times. Make family time a priority too. Never allow your children to wonder how much you care about them. By setting clear limits and boundaries you tell them that you care enough to make sure they are accountable for their actions. Never skimp on the love either. Even when they get "too big" for such silly things, insist that they know you love them and support them by telling them. Hug them daily, sneak in as many as you can get too. Keep your family close to you and brave the turmoil together. Just a thought...;0)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

*Mr. Sniffles*

Mr. Sniffles. A couple of days ago I was paid a surprise visit by this unwelcome guest. Mr. Sniffles caught me off guard and snuck in the back door and settled himself right in. I felt wonderful on Monday, it was a good day and I got a lot accomplished, but by Tuesday I was not happy. It started with a bit of a dry throat, which I ignored because my allergies have been acting up...I took an allergy pill and continued on my way. Later though I did many things and I showered in anticipation of leaving the house to do a few more things and it hit me...Mr. Sniffles was there staring back at me in the mirror with a smirk. "Darn you, Mr. Sniffles!", was a fleeting thought as I dressed and crawled back into bed for an hour, until my son came home from school. "Are you okay Mom?", my son asked when he found me buried in my blankets. "I don't think I feel very good", I mumbled as I tried to summon the energy to get up. I made it through the rest of the day through no choice because a Mom's work never ends and NyQuil was my friend for the night. Yesterday, though I was able to leave the house for a bit with the help of a little DayQuil, but Mr. Sniffles put a serious damper on any real motivation I might have otherwise had.
Today. Mr. Sniffles wasn't content to just be my companion, no he decided to darken my little one's doorstep as well. Looks like Mr. Sniffles strikes again. Darn you.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 201)

"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." ~Author Unknown
I am famous for doing just this, unconsciously holding myself back for fear of failure mostly. You know that little internal voice that tells you what to do...yeah, mine is a bit on the loud side. I'm not sure if most people are aware of this, but I actually write this blog more for encouragement for myself than any sort of guide for anyone else. I figure that if I type out what I'm thinking, then I should probably follow through with my own advice and maybe I can help encourage someone else along the way. You'll have to let me know if this is the case! 
We as women and Moms and human beings  are required to wear so many different hats on the outside, sometimes it's hard to tell who we really are on the inside. I am a Mother, a companion, a domestic engineer, a multiple blog author, a realist, a taxi, a loyal friend, a personal chef, a role model, and a creative soul. On the inside I am afraid of failure, afraid of losing control, afraid I'm not good enough...I've noticed that the last one there is the source of all my insecurities. I mean realistically someone will always be better than you at something, but conversely you might be better than a lot of people at something else. I know what I can do, but I don't know everything I can't do. It's nearly impossible to know everything you can't do because unless you have tried to do it all and failed, how on earth would you really know? Now that I think of it...that is really true.
I pledge to make a conscious effort to change my eternal dialogue and encourage my readers to do the same. *I am afraid of failure. = How can you be afraid of something that you haven't failed at? 
                * I am afraid of losing control. = Only you has the power over you, therefore you cannot "lose control" unless you let yourself.
               *I am afraid I'm not good enough. = Being "good enough" for yourself should be the only thing that matters, period.
That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY. Or mine rather! ;0)

Monday, February 14, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 200)

Happy Valentine's Day blogger buddies! I happen to love this sticky-sweet holiday more than most, maybe because it's my birthday too?! I don't know...but, I imagine that might have something to do with it! Haha, anyway I want to take a minute to encourage everybody to do something special for their "Valentine" today. If you lack a significant other, then do something for your children or a dear friend or even treat yourself to a little "Valentine's Day love"! Hey, there's nothing wrong with that in my book! Spread the love all and I'm going to go make GF cookies for my Valentine! tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe! ;0)

Friday, February 11, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 199)

"We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by." ~Will Rogers
 No, but we can appreciate those who perform "heroic" acts daily. Perhaps that what we should be striving to do, just a thought. ;0)
J. Lamb 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sew sweet!

I know I missed posting yesterday...what can I say? I was busy having a little fun and the short 30 minute window I use daily to update my blog was used up doing something else. Eh, so be it!
If you've noticed, I have taken a bit of a hiatus from my sewing projects. I just about sewed myself to death over Christmas and my machine died because of it...poor thing. Well, a couple of weeks ago I had a project I wanted to tackle and took the time to revive my machine. It's a bit on the old a fussy side, I have to clean it out, pull it apart, swab it out with alcohol-dipped cotton swabs, and oil it and reassemble it...phew. As you can see, I talked it into being cooperative enough again! This little outfit was made for my friend C's little baby who turned a whole "1" yesterday and I made her a pretty dress for the occasion. As you can see from the first pic, the beginning wasn't very feminine. These were a pair of little overalls I picked up a ye old thrift store for a couple of bucks. They were in really good condition and I loved the chambray fabric. I already had the black floral material in my stash and thought I would maybe applique lady bugs to the front. I was hanging out with my Mommy yesterday (she took me to lunch for my birthday that's coming up) and we ducked into Michael's to find some ribbon for the hem of the dress. I had already found a little pink shirt to go underneath that would match the floral fabric (it has red and pink roses and tiny little gray-blue flowers on it too) and deiced I would have to make pink and red lady bugs to match. I found the most adorable pink ribbon with lady bugs, perfect! I removed the pockets and ran some lady bug ribbon along the tops and sewed them to the skirt. I used the ribbon along the bottom of the hem as well. Last I took a couple of fabric markers and drew a lady bug that matched the ribbon and I can't believe how cute it turned out!
My friend C loved it and decided the baby would HAVE to wear it today. You know what? Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement concerning my sewing projects, it'll be awesome! I'll let you all know when it happens, I promise! ;0)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 197)

As hard as I've tried to think of a great tip for the day I have done nothing but fail miserably, sigh. I'm going to blame it on a lack of sleep. I've suffered from a particularly long bout of insomnia (about 2 weeks) and last night despite my best efforts to knock myself out cold, I failed miserably once more. Failing miserably seems to be a theme here...yeah. Mom duties and no sleep are a lousy mix and I'm grouchy and highly unmotivated to boot. I feel sorry for my family and maybe for my aching body more. So, my  TiP fOr TuEsDaY? Sleep. Sleep like there's no tomorrow, sleep like the world depends on it, and sleep when you can for as long as you can. ZzZzZz

Monday, February 7, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 196)


Top o' the Monday to you folks! I seemed to have survived the Super Bowl madness, here's hoping you did too! It took me a little while to think of something worth featuring on my tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe segment today, ah...but, good things come to those that wait! Sharpies make my life infinitely easier and definitely more fun. You can ask my family, "What does Mom carry around in here purse?" Well, honestly...gum wrappers, allergy pills, feminine hygiene products...oh, and a Sharpie! I couldn't tell you the countless reasons why a Sharpie comes in so handy...but, I'll try anyway!;0)
When my kids were little it never failed that they would get similar toys and then fight over them, not with a little Sharpie action and an initial or name or the bottom! Sharpies for art projects are a no-brainer! What with all the vibrant colors and long lasting goodness, you've got it made!
See? My sneakers were brought to life via the magic Sharpie! My kids love them for temporary tattoo art (actually, I do too!), I love that a quick name on a cup or bottle eliminates waste and the "is this one mine?" questions. There's a pretty cool site for ideas and projects people have made here at, check it out!
Sharpies rock! I have a birthday coming up and someone can get me the 80's glam pack featured above...just a suggestion! You know tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe! ;0)

Friday, February 4, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 195)

J. Lamb 2011
Your heart. Swells with love for those you choose, aches with sorrow for those we lose. Beats to continue your life in this realm, given to share with those you call friend. Broken a thousand times over and expandable to no end, your heart is just one so, take care of it friends. In honor of Women's Heart Health day, I am wearing red and encouraging women everywhere to take care of their hearts. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and being aware of this and taking care of yourself is essential. Just a thought...;0)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It doesn't cost a thing

I'm all about being frugal, as I'm sure you've guessed, and one of my favorite things (that don't cost a thing) makes people feel good. A small thing really, that is free to give and warmly received. Maybe you should try it occasionally, just to see if something so simple really works. Give one to the cranky lady who's taking your money at the checkout, give one to your neighbor when you catch his eye, give one to your kids when they wake up groggy. This quick gesture can brighten one's day, can cure the "down in the dumps", can pave the way to a new friendship. There's no limit to the amount of warm fuzzies you can give or receive so, take as many as your heart can hold and give as many as your cheeks will allow. A smile, the best thing (that don't cost a thing) to warm someone's heart. ;0)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


What? What was that you said? I'm sorry I wasn't listening... Be honest, you said just this (or something similar) today, didn't you? Yep, I know how it were busy, the kids were yelling, you were reading something, I know, I know. I do it too.  How many of can really say that we are good listeners? I know many people who are fantastic talkers, fantastic doers, fantastic don't-get-in-my-wayers, but not so many fantastic listeners. Why is this though, have we all just given ourselves permission to go about our way without ever listening to the thoughts of others? In a sense, yes. I have become ever so tired of the constant media pushing of the ME generation...look at ME, be like ME, it's all about ME!! Reality TV being shoved down the throats of our youth, gone are the feel good comedies of the past, the sitcoms, the laughter of a live studio audience. I say enough already. We are raising humans that don't know how to have give and take conversations, to listen to others and then share thoughts of their own. That in itself is such a crying shame.
For some reason people talk to me. Not that I am important by any standards, but because I can listen. Listening is not hearing folks, let's not confuse the two. No, listening comes from within. To actually care about what is being said, sharing advice when necessary, remaining silent and absorbing what is being said otherwise. Good listeners have to not be unjustly biased either. Listening requires one to not hold on to preconceived notions as well. Being open-minded helps with this as well, unless you are telling me that you are hardened criminal or sexually perverted, I will not judge what you have to say.
Practice by really listening to your family, teach your children to listen too. I hear of fantastical realms of grandeur of made-up  things and impossible "what ifs" from my children daily. I hear of the quirks of human nature from my man as well. I hear of other people, of problems, of hope from friends too. I hear all of this because I was really listening.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 192)

GLUTEN-FREE (and proud)

If you are visiting me from my Facebook fan page you will recall the quote I shared this morning (if you aren't here's a handy link and follow me while you're there! ;0)) It had to do with being yourself (and how hard that can be) and I find it wildly appropriate for my blogging purposes today as well! For those of you who are reading this and are of the gluten-free type, my props to you! It's hard to be so different, especially when the food industry doesn't help out much.  What is gluten-free? If you aren't familiar with this term and what it means let me enlighten you!:
A gluten-free diet is the only medically accepted treatment for celiac disease,[1] the related condition dermatitis herpetiformis,[2] and wheat allergy.[1] 
(Source: Wikipedia)
If you are indeed "gluten-free" you follow a gluten-free diet. This means no gluten, wheat, barley, malt, or anything derived from these sources. The problem with convenience foods and over-processed foods is that so many of the ingredients used as fillers and preservatives come from a wheat source. There are only so many foods, that are quick and easy to grab and eat that are truly "gluten-free". Even if you come across a product that is "gluten-free" you also have to make sure that it is manufactured responsibly and in a gluten-free facility as well. I want to thank the FDA for their diligence in making sure that manufacturers label all allergens in bold and disclose whether the product was made with other wheat products. A few years ago, being "gluten-free" was really tough. You had to research yourself whether certain products were gluten-free and safe to eat, my man spent a great deal of time on the phone with companies of food products to find out whether a product was safe. That and he spent a great deal of time on the phone with the FDA reporting manufacturers who refused to divulge information and were practicing sneaky ingredient hiding.
It's easier today to be gluten-free, but by no means convenient. Restaurants have been slow to adopt gluten-free menus or to provide ingredients lists. You can't just grab a bite to eat and go either. We spend a lot of time explaining celaics and asking people to put on clean gloves, or to wipe surfaces, or even to make something not normally on the menu. You can't be shy at all either! I have a friend who has celiacs who hates the thought of asking people to accommodate her. She even told me that she is made fun of somewhat by her peers/relatives for being a little nerdy and gluten-free. I say wear it proudly on your sleeve girl and don't be afraid to ask people to be accommodating.
I've found that most people are eager to help and don't mind at all. We ask to read packages and labels of foods being served and never once have we had someone be rude or say no. It's okay to be different and proud even if that means being "gluten-free!" Here's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)