Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's the use with sunshine?

I have to believe that even the people with the most "sunny" of dispositions wake up in a bad mood sometimes. Whether it's due to a lack of sleep or flux of hormones or the world itself is annoying, waking up happy all the time is an impossible task for me. It was particularly evident that I just couldn't be nice this morning. By the time that the morning was officially over, I had made two people cry and one yell...sigh.
The thing is, none of it was on purpose either. Normally, if I know I'm going to be crabby, I try to avoid interaction enough that I can adjust my mood. This morning though, I was caught off guard. I backpedaled as fast I could and pressed smile buttons on one and made faces until the other laughed. I kissed the one who yelled and apologized for being in such a foul mood.
The foul mood hung around for a good part of the day though and it has taken until just now to want to do anything, except hide in my house. I cleaned dirty stuff and that helped, I conquered a significant amount of laundry and that helped some too. I got dressed in something pretty and fixed my hair and make-up and got lots of kissys from my little one and my foul mood has slowly melted with the sunshine of the day.
Okay, so maybe the world isn't so annoying...bright smiley-faced suns and all. ;0)

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