Wednesday, February 2, 2011


What? What was that you said? I'm sorry I wasn't listening... Be honest, you said just this (or something similar) today, didn't you? Yep, I know how it were busy, the kids were yelling, you were reading something, I know, I know. I do it too.  How many of can really say that we are good listeners? I know many people who are fantastic talkers, fantastic doers, fantastic don't-get-in-my-wayers, but not so many fantastic listeners. Why is this though, have we all just given ourselves permission to go about our way without ever listening to the thoughts of others? In a sense, yes. I have become ever so tired of the constant media pushing of the ME generation...look at ME, be like ME, it's all about ME!! Reality TV being shoved down the throats of our youth, gone are the feel good comedies of the past, the sitcoms, the laughter of a live studio audience. I say enough already. We are raising humans that don't know how to have give and take conversations, to listen to others and then share thoughts of their own. That in itself is such a crying shame.
For some reason people talk to me. Not that I am important by any standards, but because I can listen. Listening is not hearing folks, let's not confuse the two. No, listening comes from within. To actually care about what is being said, sharing advice when necessary, remaining silent and absorbing what is being said otherwise. Good listeners have to not be unjustly biased either. Listening requires one to not hold on to preconceived notions as well. Being open-minded helps with this as well, unless you are telling me that you are hardened criminal or sexually perverted, I will not judge what you have to say.
Practice by really listening to your family, teach your children to listen too. I hear of fantastical realms of grandeur of made-up  things and impossible "what ifs" from my children daily. I hear of the quirks of human nature from my man as well. I hear of other people, of problems, of hope from friends too. I hear all of this because I was really listening.

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