Friday, April 29, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 250)

J. Lamb 2011
"No bubble is so iridescent or floats longer than that blown by the successful teacher" ~William Osler
As a parent you are indeed your child's teacher and such a job shouldn't be taken lightly. You teach then to walk and talk. You teach them to be kind and to love. You teach them the difference between right and wrong. You teach by example and even if you don't think they are watching, they are. They learn about the world through you. Think about it before you say an unkind word or curse someone out or give up without trying, someone is watching and learning. Just a thought...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sew a little more love

Yup, I'm still sewing! This week I made some adorable cute pillows for my (ex) in-laws. They are awesome grandparents to my kids, supportive, loving, always there for them and since they are snowbirds, they will be leaving this weekend. I had heard mention that Grandma loves the pillows I make and wondered if she could have one too and I thought I'd whip up a couple of them as a surprise! I actually picked up both the pillow forms from the thrift store for 3 bucks and the plain material I had in my stash. The patterned material I actually picked up at the thrift store! I get these huge bags of remnants for 5 dollars a piece and I have found some of the most fabulous knits and patterns and I even found enough material in one bag to make curtains! So cool! The felt for the lettering was all leftovers from other projects so we're talking well under 5 dollars a piece for each of these! I love, love the tractor material for Grandpa's pillow! It is so him! ;0)

If you remember, I made a fabulous dress for my daughter from a thrift store find (see here) for Easter. Well, I decided I needed one too! I started with a tank top I bought for four dollars and the white material for the skirt I had in my stash. I went and picked up the purple material for 3 bucks for the sash and ruffle. This just took a couple of hours to complete even, I love how feminine and girlie it turned out! I wore a short sleeved white sweater over it and didn't we all look dapper in our shades of purple and gray? ;0)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When you aren't helping

I like to be helpful, don't you? Providing a service or a listening ear or kind word is so gratifying in so many ways. Do you know one of those people who "think" they are being helpful when they really aren't? Yep. I know people like that too. Unfortunately, you'll come across these kind of people from time to time in life but, what to do about it? What's worse, what if you are one of those people? Read on and see how to deal or change your thinking:

The negative Nellie.

You know who I mean, the kind of person who only finds the bad in any person/situation. "You're doing that all wrong, but I'm just trying to help." Yeah, yeah Mr. Down-in-the-dumps needs to lighten up. Try saying something like, "I know I did my best and I'm okay with that" or "Thanks for your concern, but I think I've got it handled". Ward of the gloom with a little ray of nonchalant positive energy because we all know the sun will dry up any puddle eventually. ;0)

The talk behind your back-er.

Sugary sweet while you're there, points out all of your flaws as soon as you leave. Honestly, I don't expect EVERYONE to like me, but I would much rather you were upfront about it instead of complaining about me when I can't defend myself. I think of people like these as large poultry, hen pecking and too chicken to say it to your face! The very best defense in this situation is to just plain ignore it. You can't live life with such a huge need to be loved by all, it just isn't practical. People are all different in so many ways, you are bound to offend someone somewhere. If you keep hearing about what "so and so" is saying from someone else, ask them not to tell you. Hey, sometimes ignorance really is bliss. ;0)

The overly opinionated.

"This is what I think you should do". Blah, blah, blah. We all have opinions about how the world should revolve, right? Okay, maybe I'm not the best example in this case...I do write a parenting blog and all. You all can choose to read or not read this though, so I guess I'm okay! Unless you are asked, keep your opinions to yourself, period. More than likely if you have not offended someone already, you will be doing so shortly. Not everyone thinks the same, feels the same, wants the same things you do. If you haven't been asked, don't tell. What to do about an opinionated friend/relative/acquaintance? "Thank you for thinking of me and if I need help I'll know just who to ask" or even a simple "I'm good, thanks" will stop them short.

Think about the "nonhelpers" out there like this; either you are super popular and people feel the need to talk about you or maybe they really care about you and only think they are being helpful. I guess either case could be true! ;0)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 249)

Got chores?

Are you like me? Do you have to bargain with yourself to get things done? Ha! I have never been one of those spotless clean type A moms, but it is clean. Sure there are crumbs under the table as we speak, my current sewing project spread across the family room rug, and I can see several Lego's and a couple of dust bunnies under the couch. The way you think about the chores is key though. There are many things I WANT to get done today and of course there are many more things that NEED to get done. So how do you strike that all illusive balance and maintain yourself (and your sanity)? Perhaps a little organization is needed here.

Make a list. Be it mental or written/typed down and track the things that need to get done and what you want to get done. Think of housework like your job. You don't get paid to goof off all day! No, you have to get some work done too!

Need to do                                     Want to do

A couple of loads of laundry                    Work on sewing project
Pick up/drop off kids                               Blog             
Run the dishwasher                                  Nap (oh, haha!)          
Soccer game                                           Computer research
Kitchen cleaned
A little exercise

Even though there are many things I would LIKE to do, I know I have to get the need to do things done first! I started the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen and ran the dishwasher before I started my sewing project and blogged. You see? I got to work on the need to do list first. Make the need to do list a priority and make sure all of it gets done and continue with want to do list throughout the week.
So, what if you never get anything done on your want to do list? Then that's where shifting of the priorities comes in to play. Unless you have people coming over on a daily basis, you don't have to clean everything daily (keep the kitchen tidied up as you go). Rotate them around. Take Tuesdays and clean the bathrooms and try to do a couple of loads of laundry a day or at least dedicate a couple of days a week to do all of it (folding and put away included). Implement a shoe-free home and cut your vacuuming time down to once or twice a week (I do this and it's awesome!)
Shoot, no one is going to blame you for putting on a movie for the kids and taking a few minutes for yourself. The kids will not be irreversibly damaged either, I promise. It's even beneficial to the kids too (see? check it out!).
Okay, I think I've used up all my "want to do" time for the moment and it's time to get back to the "need to do"! That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)

Monday, April 25, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 248)

Earth Balance Natural Buttery Spread

I'm a little behind today as to make up for the weekend and the kids are out of school again today (yay), but Happy Monday folks! I trust that everyone enjoyed their Easter? Good! We did too! ;0) We searched for Easter bags hidden through the house, ate lots of candy, sported our matching Easter attire, and ate lots of yummy food with G'ma and G'pa! What helped make it so yummy you ask? Ah! That would be our favorite buttery spread, Earth Balance!
Not only do we have a gluten-free eater at our house, he is also allergic to dairy. This makes things difficult (as you can imagine), but with some great products (such as Earth Balance) meals are definitely manageable. What makes Earth Balance so different? It's made from soy (and other good stuff, see here) no dairy, no gluten, and it's vegan too! Wait, it has to be gross then...nope. Tastes just like butter! For Easter dinnerwe had Jennie O turkey ham, gluten-free pasta salad (with homemade Italian dressing, yum!) mashed taters with Earth Balance, a little soy milk, garlic, dill and mustard powder and fresh steamed Asparagus with a little Earth balance and garlic and onion powder. You see? Earth balance to the rescue! I cook with it and use it for spreading and my gluten-free eater loves it over air popped popcorn, yum!
Thank you to the makers of Earth Balance for making such a rock on, fabulous product! This is definitely "what I like"! ;0)

Friday, April 22, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 247)

J. Lamb 2011

                     Peace begins with a smile.  ~Mother Teresa

I imagine that inner peace would begin the same way, with a smile. Smile for those who love you, smile because there is no one exactly like you, smile for you and share another, smile for life is good, full of experience and wonder. Smile for peace within...just a thought. ;0)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sew a little love

Today is my sister's birthday (yay!) and I thought I'd show off what I made for her! She recently got a new couch in a brick red and I thought I'd whip up a couple of monogram pillows to put on it. The pillows on the inside looked like leftovers from someone's 90's bedroom (a shade of dusty pink), but with a little wash they made perfect pillow forms! The rest of the colors in my sisters room are gold and navy and her house is a little bit country cute! ;0) I had a great time matching up patterns and colors to go together. The plaid is a broadcloth that had natural tucks random  in it, but I love how it looks with the gold calico and the navy rose material. Since they were a present for my sissy I didn't go all out cheap, the pillows were a couple dollars a piece and I spent about 5 dollars in material for the rest. Okay, so it was still cost effective! I love you sissy and have a happy birthday! ;0)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Be My Friend?

It's great to have friends, right? Someone to talk to, someone to care, someone who thinks you're great at being you. I recently ended a friendship with someone who I used to know, then found again, and ultimately had to let go. I miss having this person to talk to, but it was truly for the better. We came from the same place and appreciated our differences, but it was me who needed it to end. Maybe feelings got hurt, maybe we were in very different places in our lives, or maybe I'm not very good at being a friend. It's not that I don't mean well, for I care very deeply for the people in my life past and present, I just like my space.
It makes me wonder what qualities do you look for in a friend? I have a list here I'm going to reference from The mystic madness blog  listing the top 10 qualities of a good friend from honesty to loyalty to acceptance to respect.
Honesty. I tend to be blunt and being a good friend would mean you need to be able to take it. I do bite my tongue with people I don't really know, but otherwise look out! I want you to tell me what you think as well.
Loyalty. Be willing to stick it out through the rough patches, life has its ups and downs. Recognize a great person when you see them and hang on to them.
Supportive. Not everyone is going to agree with you and like what you are doing or saying, but a good friend will support you no matter what. I want you to be happy with whatever you are doing, I'll be here for you.
Good listener. This means even if they are going on and on about their kids or whatnot. A great friend will listen to you irregardless.
Reliable. Showing up when you said you would is always nice. No one likes it if you flake out on plans all the time, especially your friends.
Have a sense of humor. If life was truly meant to be taken so seriously, I would not want to continue on! Your friend should be able to laugh with you and at you when necessary....period. ;0)
Forgiving. I'm not perfect, in fact no one is. I wouldn't judge my friend for screwing up or forgetting something because I will do just that at some point!
Caring. I tend to do this even if you don't think I should, it's just who I am. I want good things for you because you are my friend and if you are sad, that makes me sad too.
Acceptance. I don't think exactly like you and our backgrounds may be very different as well, but that doesn't make me like you any less. Nor would it ever.
Respect. Treat me like you would want me to treat you. Don't belittle me or talk about me behind my back, respect my opinions and we'll get along famously!
Now this isn't too much to ask is it? Just a little honest good listening while we laugh and accept each other. Then again, maybe it was to much to ask...hmmm...;0)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 244)

The Best Things to Learn from Men...

It's no secret, I am not a man. Nor do I have any desire to be (no offense guys). Even though I am proud to be a woman, I am not too proud to admit that the way men do some things is really better. I know, I know...I'm not talking about using your sleeve as a napkin or the passing of various noxious fumes...ha! I'm talking about practical things. Oh and need a laugh? Check the link to the funniness I found while researching!

I will admit that I am 100% Daddy's girl. My Dad is the best and hanging out with him was one of my favorite past times. From learning how to drive in the hills sitting on his lap to loading clay pigeons for him to target practice. He taught me to shoot a gun and change the oil in my car and to always be prepared for everything. I learned that practicality and preparedness are super important, but loving your family is top priority! As it should be.
Now I'm not trying to start a whole sexist debate here, but think about it girls, do any of you like to mow the lawn? Ha, I rest my case!

Men clean faster.
They take one rag to clean it all in one fell swoop, pull out the vacuum to get crumbs everywhere, wash the dishes as they dirty them. Saying your man knows how to do these things (ha!), he's probably quite efficient!

Men know cars.
It doesn't start. Is the battery or the starter? Did you check the fluids and connections? When was the last time you had the oil changed, it serviced, filled it up with gas? Have no idea? You are probably a woman. ;0D

Men are adventurous/logical.
They climb mountains, explore unknown lands, risk life and limb for an adrenaline rush. They like fast things, crazy things, exciting things. They make great subjects for action movies that they are likely to drag us women to for date night as well! As a woman, can you calculate your current gas mileage in your head, plot out the shortest route to your destination considering traffic and weather conditions? Do you care? Maybe not. ;0)

Men are useful.
Generally taller, stronger, warmer than women they come in handy for a variety of tasks. Changing light-bulbs and air filters is my man's job. They can lift children and groceries and furniture easily, as well as, keep you warm on chilly winter nights!

Men love deeply.
Are you a lucky woman whose man thinks you're gorgeous and would do anything to keep you happy? Honey, hang on to him with both hands! I know they exist because I've seen it and you are so lucky if you have it! And you should probably let him go golfing with his buddies without complaining sometimes too. ;0)

Okay men, in this pro-woman society we've got going on these days you have your place. When I need something up high or my oil changed or a satisfying second glance when I look good, I know who to turn to! Remember TiP fOr TuEsDaY girls and give your man a smooch! ;0)

Monday, April 18, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 243)

Pacific Natural Foods

Good Monday people! Did your weekend treat you right? I hope this is the case as I am super excited to share my "like" with you today! Yum and my mouth is watering just thinking about it! ;0) When it comes to all natural, gluten-free goodness (and soup specifically), you can't get better than Pacific Natural Foods! I love soup, don't you? It's my go-to meal that everyone will eat, I can load up with veggies and it's crock-pot friendly for the Mom on the go! Does it get any better? Since we eat gluten-free dinner most nights, it's super important to have a gluten-free soup base to start. Pacific Natural has the yummy gluten-free market cornered! I will be using the Beef Broth (pictured above) to make French Onion (leek actually) and Roast Beef sandwiches for dinner (gluten-free of course!). My kids love it and it is soooo good!
I hope the rest of your Monday is great and you should totally try my "tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe!" ;0D

Friday, April 15, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 242)

J. Lamb 2011

"Live simply that others might simply live." ~Elizabeth Ann Seton
Find joy in the simple things in life. Warm smiles, hugs, sweet words of your children. My baby informed me I was "the best Mommy in da whole univewse!" last night and even though it's not true, nothing said could have made me happier. You see, simple. Practice the simple things. A smile for a stranger, a kind word or gesture, taking the time to thank those who helped you on your just never know what an impact you'll have. No one says you have to move mountains to make the world better. No, really all it takes is small, simple acts and if we all practice them, imagine the impact they'll have! Just a thought...;0)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Forgive me for not posting any sooner today. I haven't felt well physically and I've been a bit heartsick as well. Such is life. I had a whole informative post ready for the day and then I got some news of a neighbor/friend's death. He was young and it was really shocking. I guess once you've lived a good, long life and accomplished many things it makes it easier? Maybe not. It almost doesn't seem fair when you're young. Life doesn't truly end though, it just begins anew on a different plain. Sometimes you can't help but to ask, "When my time is up, will I be ready?" For those left behind the answer will always be no. Rest in peace my friend. I'm glad you are free of pain and hardship and you will be sorely missed...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here we sew again (results)

Remember the  little gem I featured briefly last week? It was in fact the beginnings of my daughter's Easter dress. A thrift store find, she was thrilled with the pretty purple color and I loved the fabric and the "tiered" action it had going on. The placing on the elastic? A little strange.
First things first, I took my seam ripper to the bottom tier and picked it and the elastic off. Next I took my purple polka dot material and fashioned an A-line skirt to attach underneath. I then cut the remaining bottom tier in half and pinned and sewed the bottom half to the bottom of the polka dot A- line skirt.
I didn't like the scrawny, lingerie-type straps, so I snipped them off. I made some new straps out of the purple polka dot and had my daughter try the dress on and set the straps to exactly the right length and stitched them on. I knew the she would like a little extra ruffle and so, I took a little of the top half of the bottom tier and made some ruffly capped sleeves. (So cute!)
Lastly, the dress was a little big still. I took in the side a bit and then made a long sash out of the purple polka dot, making sure the band was wider in the front for an "empire" waste. I stitched on and it ties in a big bow in the back! I also made a small flower for the front (to cover a small tear).

Four dollars, a little creative thinking, and a little more patience and what a result! I love it! ;0D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 239)

J. Lamb 2011
Keep it simple.

Life is so very complicated anymore and time sure doesn't slow down...unless you make it. I never knew how much I appreciated a few minutes of quiet until I became a parent. Kids needing things or bickering or whining can wear even the most dedicated parent down sometimes and sometimes enough is enough. Studies have shown that taking a little "me" time for yourself as a parent helps your kids too. It's true! I love this article that expresses the importance of it.
Don't stress over the little things either. So, your house isn't spotless or you fed the kids Pb and J for, are they happy? Are they healthy? Then, what does it really matter? Letting yourself know that doing your best is good enough and that's all that matters and happy parent you'll be and happy kids you'll have.
Disconnect. Turn off the TV, turn of the computer, turn off your phone sometimes too and enjoy something together. Read a book together. Make cookies together. Go for a walk to the park. Your kids will remember these times as they grow and not the hours spent in front of the tube, I promise.
Living simply is hard anymore, but so very worth it! Give it a try! This is your TiP fOr go enjoy your family! ;0)

Monday, April 11, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 238)

Kettle Brand Potato Chips!

Good Monday morning y'all! As I have an incredibly full day of playing taxi, dragging someone to the Dr. and laundry to tackle this morning, I'll be brief..Check out one of my favorite all natural snacks! Yum, yum Kettle are my love...*drool*.
In the land of gluten-free snacking, you tend to give, flavor? Yeah, being awesome and gluten-free has it's sacrifices, but that's not the case with these awesome chips! Thick cut potato chips with awesome flavors and decent sized bags (a huge plus in my book!), you'll not be disappointed! My fave is the Buffalo Bleu Krinkle Cut variety , talk about yum!
Want a great snack with all natural ingredients, gluten-free and great taste? Look no further than Kettle Brand Potato Chips, this is what I like! ;0)

Friday, April 8, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 237)

J. Lamb 2011
"The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs."  ~Joan Didion

Life is truly what you make it. If life sucks constantly and you find yourself blaming everyone except yourself for it, then stop and take a look at yourself. Anything you have or have not accomplished, anyplace you have or have not gone, and anyone you have or have not influenced is directly caused by you and your acceptance for yourself. Want life to be better? Make it better or accept it for what it is, it's all up to you. Just a thought...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Here we sew again!

Just a quick update on what I've been working on the last couple of weeks! The pillow on top was made for a little boy my kids are friends with. He loves karate and this project was a snap to create! You are not going to believe me, but I only payed a buck for material for this and the rest was just time (a couple of hours all together). It's true! I actually picked up the insert (just an ugly couch pillow I took home and washed and bleached) for a buck at the thrift store and the rest of it, I had! I dug through my material stash for a while until I came up with something that wasn't girlie at all and I could coordinate with the lettering and "karate crossing sign". I love the orange tie dye and the gray border and the applique letters and sign are just left over pieces of felt. For the sign I googled karate crossing sign image and found a sign on Amazon and I just copied it. It was really simple! The pillow itself I stitched the top and attached the back to overlap like a sham for easy cleaning, using the pillow for a template. It turned out great!

At the bottom will be my daughter's Easter dress. I know it doesn't look like much now, but when I'm done I'll share it! We just picked this up at the thrift store for 4 bucks and I loved the material and the layering. It'll be dolled up with some great matching purple polka-dot material and I know she'll love it! Stay tuned! ;0)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The good, the bad, and the apathetic

I awoke this morning to this story on the Today Show and it got me a pondering while I sipped my coffee... Where in the world have all the good parents gone? Sigh. I think there is little in this world that bothers more than watching a parent do nothing for their children. For those of you who are too lazy to click the link and see what I'm talking about here's a recap:
A mother is upset that her (larger than average) 8 year old son was pepper sprayed by the cops after they were called in to contain him during a violent outburst. At first glance you would think, wait...they pepper sprayed an 8 year old? Isn't that a bit extreme? Except the fact that A) This was the 3rd incident where the cops had to be called. B) The child had fashioned a sharp stick and had threatened to "kill" his teachers with it if they came out of the closet they were hiding in. C) Had thrown several chairs and a TV cart across the room. D) All of this and he showed no remorse. Huh. Well then, that's a little different. The mother whined on the interview that the cops should have just talked him down like they did the last time and the the use of pepper spray was to much. What?! You're kidding, right? She also went on to complain that she knew that her son had behavioral issues and that it was only at school and that the school should have been able to handle it better.
So, what I want to know is since when has it become okay not to hold kids accountable for their actions? And since when has it become okay for parents to be so apathetic for that matter? In this particular case this is what a good parent would have done:
1. Insist that the child write a formal apology to the teachers and the cops for his bad behavior.
2. Find a service that you and the child could do to benefit the cops and teachers. (i.e. classroom cleanup, small service project)
3. Find a therapist, behavioral specialist, mentor, pediatrician who specializes in behavior disorders and don't stop until you can get to the bottom of the behavior issue.
4. Continue to follow up and encourage and reward the good behavior.
Now the bad parent would have blamed the teachers, blamed the school, blamed the cops, taken the kid on national television making themselves look even worse. Oh, wait a minute! ;0P

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 234)

J. Lamb 2011
On the subject of time management, I mean who am I kidding? Sometimes no matter how well you manage your time, there just isn't enough of it! Today is absolutely one of those days for me as well...*sigh*. My daughter has her last choir concert this evening as well as a soccer game...yep, clear on the other side of town. As of 3:30 this afternoon I will be running like a chicken with my head cut off until at least 8. Honestly, I'm tired just thinking about it! Ugh. I did, however in anticipation of having such a crazy day, put together a list of links for some time management help, enjoy!:

"For some mothers, the constant pressure to be wife, mommy, chef, and chauffeur takes over every minute of the day."  "Going forward, it's important for Wecksler, and other busy mothers, to remember the following three tips to live by.
Combine Several Activities: While showering, make a mental list of things that you need to do that day. If you are watching a sitcom, you can pay your bills at the same time.
Learn to Say No: If someone asks you to do something, and you want to do it, but truly do not have time, learn how to politely say no. That will free up time for what is most important.
Don't Attempt to Do Too Much: Many people feel that they have to accomplish everything yesterday and don't give themselves enough time to do things properly. This leads only to half-finished projects and no feeling of achievement" Stress Management, Time Management Tips for Moms

"Time management is a big concern for mothers these days. Between kids’ activities, household responsibilities and, for many, the demands of a stressful workplace, many mothers have given up on the fight to find time for themselves and are just trying to get everything done."
"While taking care of parental, relationship, household and workplace responsibilities, it’s easy for mothers put taking care of themselves last on the list. However, not only is self-care a good idea of physical and emotional health, it’s a good time management tip for moms as well."

Busy Moms Online, Time Management Tips

"If you are like most moms I know you think to yourself, at least once a day, “I wish I had more time!” Most of my clients come to me at some point asking how they can get more hours in the day."

"Get rid of what I call “black holes” or time wasters. Things like TV, checking your email every 5 minutes, online or computer games, and phone calls from chatty friends can be fun but they are also HUGE time wasters."

Monday, April 4, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 233)

• Nine out of ten elementary students report being bullied by their peers.
• Nearly one in three students ages 12 to 18 reports being bullied at school.
• An estimated 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. (source:
Good Monday morning all and I know this isn't a product, but a campaign and absolutely "what I like".

I know firsthand exactly what being bullied feels like. I was tormented all the way through Elementary School and on and off through the rest of my school years for no reason other than being different. I have successfully blocked out many things that happened throughout my adolescence, but one very vivid memory has stayed with me all these years.
In the fifth grade I had 3 or 4 girls in my class that had taken turns harassing me over the years. I had one really good friend in my class, but she had started hanging out with another really good friend of mine and I found myself left out frequently. I took to hiding out in the library and reading during lunch recess. Eventually the librarian figured out that I was in there every day and made me stay outside. I knew these girls were making fun of me. They'd point and whisper to each other at me and all conversation stopped when I got close.
There was nothing wrong with me. I didn't dress badly. I wasn't particularly funny looking. I was a bit socially awkward and sensitive and never wanted anything, but to be everybody's friend.
To my surprise a couple of the girls who tormented me started talking to me and seemed like they wanted to be my friends. They started hanging out with me and wanting to play together at recess. I was thrilled (if not a bit perplexed)! Little did I know what they were plotting...
Shawn Coffee was my neighbor. Shawn was at least 6 inches taller than everyone else, was scrawny, with a long neck and huge glasses. Shawn was a huge nerd (and everybody knew it) he also had a huge crush on one (if not all) of the girls who tormented me. My tormentors started telling me that Shawn "liked" me and we should "go out" (keep in mind this was the 80's folks and going out meant nothing but hanging out together). I was a little weirded out, but agreed when Shawn asked me to "go out" with him.
To this day I don't know how these girls talked Shawn into this, but I was about to be completely humiliated.
After I agreed to "go out" with Shawn at lunch recess, we went back to class. The classroom had desks formed into groups and as luck would have it, Shawn was seated in front of me. We watched a filmstrip later in the afternoon and after it was over, our teacher (we got stuck with a substitute for half the year, while our teacher was out having a baby) had talked about whatever we had just watched. She had just sat back down at her desk when I looked up at Shawn who was leaning over his desk toward me, lips puckered coming in for a kiss!? The look of horror in my face must have been priceless as he slipped and fell face first on my desk. At this very moment my class erupted in laughter! They knew it was coming...they all somehow knew!? I curled up with my face in my lap and cried. I sat mortified listening as the entire 5th grade (3 classrooms in all) jeered and clapped and stomped for what seemed like forever. Not only had my tormentors talked Shawn into helping humiliate me, they had spread word to the entire 5th grade.  
They planned the whole thing...all for no purpose, other than to make me cry.
Did you know that each and every one of these girls are my friends on Facebook? I seriously doubt any of them remember any of this either. Somehow growing up and having kids of our own, makes it okay? No, you're right it doesn't. Did you know that I was teased and tormented so much as a child, that I still have a hard time believing that I am a good person? I was beat-up twice later on in this same 5th grade year as well. I never knew I was pretty, or that I was good, or talented, or smart. I only knew that being myself wasn't good enough. It affects me still to this day. My eternal dialogue is all messed up and even though I was able to develop a very thick skin over the years, I struggle with it still. I ended up in an abusive marriage, he was extremely controlling and hearing that I was worthless and believing it came naturally. I didn't know anything else.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. [Matthew 7:12]
Think about this, all of this when you sit down with your kids tonight at the dinner table. Tell your kids that it is never okay to make fun of anyone, for any reason. Tell your kids that the world is made up of different people and they may not all think the same way, or look the same way, but everyone deserves the right to be treated with respect.
Oh and to my tormentors? Long since forgiven, I promise.

Friday, April 1, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 232)

No foolin'?
"Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects."  ~Arnold Glasow

"Now what's so funny? I don't recall anything being funny." "Stop that!" "Quit laughing!"
Now who says life has to be so darn serious? So, you messed something up, you tripped on your face, or you accidentally farted out loud...why not laugh about it? We are all human, every single last one of us and to err is to be just that, human. No one is perfect and no one will ever be in this life, so why not cut yourself some slack? Eh, so you dressed for work in the dark and you are wearing mismatched someone and laugh. We all do silly things sometimes, might as well get some enjoyment out of it! Just a thought...;0)