Tuesday, April 12, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 239)

J. Lamb 2011
Keep it simple.

Life is so very complicated anymore and time sure doesn't slow down...unless you make it. I never knew how much I appreciated a few minutes of quiet until I became a parent. Kids needing things or bickering or whining can wear even the most dedicated parent down sometimes and sometimes enough is enough. Studies have shown that taking a little "me" time for yourself as a parent helps your kids too. It's true! I love this article that expresses the importance of it.
Don't stress over the little things either. So, your house isn't spotless or you fed the kids Pb and J for dinner...eh, are they happy? Are they healthy? Then, what does it really matter? Letting yourself know that doing your best is good enough and that's all that matters and happy parent you'll be and happy kids you'll have.
Disconnect. Turn off the TV, turn of the computer, turn off your phone sometimes too and enjoy something together. Read a book together. Make cookies together. Go for a walk to the park. Your kids will remember these times as they grow and not the hours spent in front of the tube, I promise.
Living simply is hard anymore, but so very worth it! Give it a try! This is your TiP fOr TuEsDaY...now go enjoy your family! ;0)

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