Friday, April 15, 2011

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy (post 242)

J. Lamb 2011

"Live simply that others might simply live." ~Elizabeth Ann Seton
Find joy in the simple things in life. Warm smiles, hugs, sweet words of your children. My baby informed me I was "the best Mommy in da whole univewse!" last night and even though it's not true, nothing said could have made me happier. You see, simple. Practice the simple things. A smile for a stranger, a kind word or gesture, taking the time to thank those who helped you on your just never know what an impact you'll have. No one says you have to move mountains to make the world better. No, really all it takes is small, simple acts and if we all practice them, imagine the impact they'll have! Just a thought...;0)

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