Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 249)

Got chores?

Are you like me? Do you have to bargain with yourself to get things done? Ha! I have never been one of those spotless clean type A moms, but it is clean. Sure there are crumbs under the table as we speak, my current sewing project spread across the family room rug, and I can see several Lego's and a couple of dust bunnies under the couch. The way you think about the chores is key though. There are many things I WANT to get done today and of course there are many more things that NEED to get done. So how do you strike that all illusive balance and maintain yourself (and your sanity)? Perhaps a little organization is needed here.

Make a list. Be it mental or written/typed down and track the things that need to get done and what you want to get done. Think of housework like your job. You don't get paid to goof off all day! No, you have to get some work done too!

Need to do                                     Want to do

A couple of loads of laundry                    Work on sewing project
Pick up/drop off kids                               Blog             
Run the dishwasher                                  Nap (oh, haha!)          
Soccer game                                           Computer research
Kitchen cleaned
A little exercise

Even though there are many things I would LIKE to do, I know I have to get the need to do things done first! I started the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen and ran the dishwasher before I started my sewing project and blogged. You see? I got to work on the need to do list first. Make the need to do list a priority and make sure all of it gets done and continue with want to do list throughout the week.
So, what if you never get anything done on your want to do list? Then that's where shifting of the priorities comes in to play. Unless you have people coming over on a daily basis, you don't have to clean everything daily (keep the kitchen tidied up as you go). Rotate them around. Take Tuesdays and clean the bathrooms and try to do a couple of loads of laundry a day or at least dedicate a couple of days a week to do all of it (folding and put away included). Implement a shoe-free home and cut your vacuuming time down to once or twice a week (I do this and it's awesome!)
Shoot, no one is going to blame you for putting on a movie for the kids and taking a few minutes for yourself. The kids will not be irreversibly damaged either, I promise. It's even beneficial to the kids too (see? check it out!).
Okay, I think I've used up all my "want to do" time for the moment and it's time to get back to the "need to do"! That's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY! ;0)

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