Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 244)

The Best Things to Learn from Men...

It's no secret, I am not a man. Nor do I have any desire to be (no offense guys). Even though I am proud to be a woman, I am not too proud to admit that the way men do some things is really better. I know, I know...I'm not talking about using your sleeve as a napkin or the passing of various noxious fumes...ha! I'm talking about practical things. Oh and need a laugh? Check the link to the funniness I found while researching!

I will admit that I am 100% Daddy's girl. My Dad is the best and hanging out with him was one of my favorite past times. From learning how to drive in the hills sitting on his lap to loading clay pigeons for him to target practice. He taught me to shoot a gun and change the oil in my car and to always be prepared for everything. I learned that practicality and preparedness are super important, but loving your family is top priority! As it should be.
Now I'm not trying to start a whole sexist debate here, but think about it girls, do any of you like to mow the lawn? Ha, I rest my case!

Men clean faster.
They take one rag to clean it all in one fell swoop, pull out the vacuum to get crumbs everywhere, wash the dishes as they dirty them. Saying your man knows how to do these things (ha!), he's probably quite efficient!

Men know cars.
It doesn't start. Is the battery or the starter? Did you check the fluids and connections? When was the last time you had the oil changed, it serviced, filled it up with gas? Have no idea? You are probably a woman. ;0D

Men are adventurous/logical.
They climb mountains, explore unknown lands, risk life and limb for an adrenaline rush. They like fast things, crazy things, exciting things. They make great subjects for action movies that they are likely to drag us women to for date night as well! As a woman, can you calculate your current gas mileage in your head, plot out the shortest route to your destination considering traffic and weather conditions? Do you care? Maybe not. ;0)

Men are useful.
Generally taller, stronger, warmer than women they come in handy for a variety of tasks. Changing light-bulbs and air filters is my man's job. They can lift children and groceries and furniture easily, as well as, keep you warm on chilly winter nights!

Men love deeply.
Are you a lucky woman whose man thinks you're gorgeous and would do anything to keep you happy? Honey, hang on to him with both hands! I know they exist because I've seen it and you are so lucky if you have it! And you should probably let him go golfing with his buddies without complaining sometimes too. ;0)

Okay men, in this pro-woman society we've got going on these days you have your place. When I need something up high or my oil changed or a satisfying second glance when I look good, I know who to turn to! Remember TiP fOr TuEsDaY girls and give your man a smooch! ;0)

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