Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's official!

Summer is here! I know what you're thinking, wasn't the official start of summer more than a week ago? Yes, officially it was. You see at my house, the kids didn't get out of school until at my house, summer started today! First of all I would like to thank the teachers at my kids' school for putting up with my brood this long (as well as a the other urchins) and I would also like to thank them for having the foresight to vote down the "extended school year" for next year! Teachers you rock!
Now that there is a little more freedom around here, we can travel a little, slough off a lot, and enjoy not getting up early every week day! Let's here it for lazy days sitting by the pool (we'll imagine it until it magically gets out of the box and into the yard), for playing too many video games and finishing all of my books (okay, that's me!). So what fun things do you and yours have planned? I'd love to hear them! =0)

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