Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let the continue commence...

Here's a shot of my nieces and my daughter sporting the pretty dresses I made them, they really turned out adorable if I do say myself! =0)

As you can read I have returned from our two day vacation and am tapping away at my keyboard once more. Other than I can't get today to feel like Wednesday for nothing and walking into my house made me realize how much it needed to be cleaned...I'm good, albeit a tad worn out, but good nonetheless! My kids have holed themselves up into their rooms and I suspect they are all a bit tired themselves!
We spent the one of the two days wandering around our favorite amusement park Lagoon. It was fun, it was exciting, it was hot and sticky and after about 7 hours, I was more than ready to indulge in a cool shower and fall heavily into bed! The kids had a blast of course and it took a fair amount of effort to get them to leave, as was to be expected! Remembering doing things like this growing up and knowing that it has created a lasting memory makes all the exhaustion well worth it!
The second day we shopped a little, checked the "check engine" light on the car to make sure it wasn't going to die on the way home and indulged in a Chinese buffet before hitting the road to go home.
That was it! That was our two day vacation! Yes, congrats Mr. Crappy Economy you successfully smooshed another vacation expectation in the "NoT yOuR aVeRaGe" household. I guess it's just as well though, vacations with kids really wear me out! =0)

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