Friday, July 23, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

Never underestimate the power of a little positive thinking.
According to the staff at the Mayo Clinic you can better manage stress and improve your overall health by practicing a little positive thinking. I know we've had this discussion before: I'm not really an optimist, more of a realist, but even I can appreciate the power of a little positivity in my life.
Life can be hectic with schedules and kids and chores and jobs and just breathing some days! Why not help improve your chances for things to work out in your favor by thinking positively? It can't hurt anything and if everything is crappy now, why not try this out? A couple of tips from the Mayo Clinic staff would be:
Check yourself. Practicing positive self-talk (our internal dialogue) is so helpful! Instead of thinking you don't have the ability to do something, put a positive spin on it. I'm not good at this, but with a little practice I'll get better.
Find the Humor. Look for the humor in situations that are uncomfortable or stressful. Trust me, if I didn't ever laugh at myself I would be ornery constantly! I'm goofy and a little clumsy and that's okay, really it is!
Be Healthy. Healthy eating and regular exercise are proven to make you feel better, so why not try it? Take up walking, eat vegetables, take your vitamins...I do these things and I feel great!
Surround yourself with positive people. My ex-husband was such a downer, if anything could go wrong with him it would and it really drug me down. My man is such a happy/sunny person, he makes me want to better and be positive and happy despite the downs in life. It makes it so much easier to maintain a positive outlook when those around you are too.
Instead of thinking the worst is bound to happen, try a positive spin. This hasn't worked out the way I wanted, but hey now I have more time for something I truly enjoy! See how it works? I don't underestimate the power of positive thinking and you shouldn't either...just a thought! =0)

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