Friday, July 9, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy

Life is Good.
Well it is, isn't it? Not just a clever marketing campaign in the pursuit of selling t-shirts, it is a great way to think about life. I turn on the TV and I'm immediately bombarded with images of disaster and hardship and death. When we are sucked into the media hole and forced to view the world with only the bad things in it, it can be enough to depress even the most sunny of dispositions.
I am not an optimist, not that there is a thing wrong with being one, mind you. I am a realist..none of the glass half full/half empty garbage, more of a half a glass type thinker. I know there are bad things in the world, but I know that there are good things too. There is nothing wrong with thinking of things in balance and nothing at all wrong with thinking that the mere fact I am alive and well and able to enjoy life as it comes, is a good thing.
A trick I use in not letting the weight of the world drag me down to the ground is not to subject myself to it. I no longer watch the news constantly and I keep up with the times via the internet, where I can easily portion control my exposure to it. I focus much more on the needs of my family and myself and know that things are bad out there, but know that good still exists in the world too.
Life really is good or at least it should be. Just a thought.=0)

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