Tuesday, July 6, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

It seems that I am at a bit of a block for my "Tip for Tuesday" segment. If you noticed I didn't have a "This is what I like" segment yesterday either, I decided to fake it by taking an extra day off with the rest of the government workers, ha! Obviously none of this is helping my case though....hmmm....Did I mention how much I dislike laundry? Here goes...
Laundry. Laundry is a constant like death and taxes, we avoid it like the plague and eventually it catches up with us anyway! If you find yourself drowning in it frequently, try this:
Do at least one load per day. I actually try to do a couple of loads a day this way I can actually access my laundry room! I have three kids plus my man and I, not to mention bedding, towels, linens, etc. This makes a whole lot of laundry! I'm not overly organized, but I like to have things in place. I don't have a magic system I use either. I just do a kid's load (or two) per day, including folding and putting away. When I'm done with theirs I do mine and my man's and then I make sure to wash bedding and linens the rest of the week. See no magic, just perseverance! Ha!
Fold laundry as it comes out of the dryer. This take a few minutes, but it is totally worth it. I don't have wrinkled clothes and I don't have to spend backbreaking hours over the basket folding it up either. This makes getting it put away much easier as well. I just take the folded piles to their destination and put them away, voila! If you follow the do a load a day rule, this really takes no time at all.
Recruit help. School's out for the summer and I have a house full of helpers to my disposal or this is how I see it! I recruit my kids to put their own laundry away, they learn what it take to keep their clothes looking nice and I don't have to do all of it! I fold it and hand it off to be deposited into drawers. The way I look at it, I do so many things for the kids during the day, they can help me out a little too and I include it their allowance funds. Ha!
Okay well, here's my Tip for Tuesday! Give it try, it might help you too! =0)

1 comment:

Maharry Balls said...

This is a great tip as I HATE doing laundry! And it's just me! The last time my bf was over he was amazed (and probably disturbed!) by how much dirty laundry I had piled up. I finally got most of it caught up but what a pain it is to do! I hate sorting it and I hate putting it away. I bet if I did 2 loads a week it would be a lot easier to manage. Thanks for the great advice!