Tuesday, July 20, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

I have hand sanitizer and I'm not afraid to use it!

I know we've had this conversation before, you know the one about me being a bit of a closet germ-a-phobe? Anyway, it's true. Germs are icky, germs make us smell, germs make us sick and deserve to be zapped! ZAP!! I'm all for hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer when necessary, but did you know that it has so many more uses than just on your hands? It's true! Read on and find out!

Hand sanitizer versus smelly armpits! TMI coming up... (sorry YOU'RE the one reading this!) I sweat, a lot. Not all over, but mostly my armpits. Yes, I know...ick! Not only do I sweat from being hot, I sweat when I'm too cold too. I sweat when I'm nervous as well, I use prescription strength deodorant, which helps mostly. At the end of the day though, it never fails, my armpits smell! If I'm just going to bed and not out on the town (okay, I never really do this but, I can dream right! ha!) I don't want to put on more deodorant because it builds up and is really hard to scrub out in the morning. I use a little hand sanitizer and voila! Smelly armpits zapped! Thank-you hand sanitizer!

Hand sanitizer versus the anti-glare lens! I wear glasses, I don't see anything anymore without them. I have both a scratch coat and an anti-glare coat on my lenses, which I love BTW... I have an astigmatism and live in a place with lots of bright sun and the anti-glare rocks for nighttime driving and had been a lifesaver for my astigmatism. The only annoying thing is they are a pain in the butt to get clean and streak free. I use a little hand sanitizer and a a dry cloth and ZAP! My lenses are clean and streak free, and no scratches either! Cool!

Hand sanitizer versus de feet! Sandals and hot weather were made for each other, right? As a hard core south-westerner, I know this well. People generally wear them year round, 'round these parts...spit-ding! =0) Now what do you do if your favorite sandals leave you feet not so fresh? Whip out yer hand sanitizer lil' Missy and wipe them down...spit-ding! Yer feet will be fresh again in no time! Hand sanitizer, my hero!

Curious as to why hand sanitizer works on smelly stuff? Well, germs are the culprit and that's what makes things smelly! You kill the germs and you kill the smell! Zap! Hand sanitizer, you've done it again! Here's your tip for Tuesday, it works for me...try it, I'll bet it will work for you too! =0)


Maharry Balls said...

Hmmm...I really enjoyed this post! I am the furthest thing from a germ-a-phobe and so I never think to use hand sanitizer...or any sanitizers really except while cleaning or showering- which I do daily btw! BUT I sweat so unbelievably bad and for me it's not just my armpits! Gross yes but not something I can help. I also have astigmatism and wear glasses at work. I generally use glass cleaner on my glasses but am going to have to try some hand sanitizer now.

Smelly sandals?! Brilliant! I definitely have reason to purchase some hand sanitizer now...I can relate to all three of your examples and can't wait to try it out on for myself! Thanks for the great tips!

Maharry Balls said...
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