Thursday, July 15, 2010

Media free days

Today is a "media free" day at our house. The kids can't watch TV, play video games, watch DVDs, you get the idea. Mom declares media free days about once a week, usually because I've gotten no cooperation from my lazy brood the day before. I should be probably better about limiting their exposure to brain sucking entertainment on a daily basis and during the school year this isn't a problem. They aren't allowed to watch anything or play video games before school and after school a good portion of the evening is taken up with required reading and homework. Normally during the summers this isn't a problem either, when I work that is. You see my schedule had me at work 5 days a week from either 9 or 10 to 5 or six and the kids had the opportunity to participate in their Daycare's summer program. The kids swam every week, visited museum's and restaurants and splash pads and went bowling and they loved it! It makes me wish that me not working didn't automatically make me extra poor as well and with temperatures topping 110 this week, just sending them out to play isn't an option either.
Right now the kids are participating in a reading/writing hour. They get to spend the hour quietly reading a book or writing and creating stories. I don't know how effective it is, as I keep hearing a little too much noise, but the noise level was getting a little too high and I was lucky enough to wake up with a migraine this morning...uhh, no. =0(
I will say the one thing about media free days, is that the kids never come complain to me that they are bored! They get out all their toys and stuffed animals and play and make up stories and create and use their imaginations, which I love! I'm not telling you that my siblings and I didn't watch a lot of TV and played a lot of video games growing up, because we did. I'm not telling you that my kids don't do a lot of that either...but, I will tell you that I love to hear my kids play and be kids and putting up with a little noise some days is totally worth it to me! ;0)


Maharry Balls said...

This is a great idea! I don't have kids but I should give myself a media free day every once in a while! Do you have to follow the rule too and not use your computer?? ;)

jgirl said...

uh...yes? no, it's for them mostly, I really don't watch TV so other than my daily blogging and job hunting, this is really all the media I use! ;0)