Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I love a good hobby!

Above as you can see is what I've used to occupy a little bit of my time this week. I love to sew quick projects and I found remnants of gingham at my local Wal-Mart for about 2 dollars a piece. These little sundresses for daughter and 3 nieces were perfect for my gingham!
I purchased 3 tank tops (3 dollars a piece) at Wal-Mart also and a baby onesie (1.50) for the littlest one and got to work sewing and hemming. I cut off the bottom portion of the tank tops so that the skirt would sit at about an empire waste. I cut my gingham and stitched the sides together for the skirt and attached the skirt stretching the tank tops so that the skirts would be full. I stitched a matching bow and flower to the collars and hemmed them up. The whole entire project took only a few hours to complete!
For the baby's dress I cut and stitched together gingham for the skirt and cut the bottom off the onesie. I fastened the skirt the same way and stitched the bottom of the onesie back on, making sure the seams were on the outside, so it would be comfortable. Other than attaching a bow as well, it took just minutes and they turned out adorable! For the little girls' dresses they only cost about 6 dollars in materials and the baby's was only like 3.
I love a good hobby and highly recommend that you should find one too! =0) There is nothing more satisfying than completing a project that you created with your two hands! =0)


Maharry Balls said...

CUTE!!! I want one...hehe. I can't sew for nothin'! I tried to make a skirt once but I gave up! lol

Cara said...

I can't wait to try them on the girls. SO cute!