Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Gotta love a project!

Here is the front and the back of a quilt I pieced together for my man's niece (who just had a baby). I am not claiming to be a great sewer, quilter in any sense of the word...but, I do enjoy putting together colors and patterns and creating fulfills a deep seeded need I have!
I love the yellow and lavender together because pink for little girls in soooo passe! These screams feminine anyway...and it isn't pink! Ha! I actually had all the fabric for this in my stash (I have quite the large stash of remnants). I haven't figured out why I like to purchase bits of fabric so much...maybe it's like buying new paint or colored pencils and a new sketch pad, it just oozes with possibilities!;0)
The only problem is with making quilts for other people is that I can only give them to people who either A: don't realize what a crappy sewer I am or B: don't really care! I just make do with what I have, my machine is old and fussy, I don't have a quilt rack and I don't pin anything. I don't pin anything because I kill my needle with the pins so often that any project becomes not worth the money when I do! ;0)
Oh, well it nice enough for the baby to play on or spit up on or poop on...which I imagine is inevitable, right? ;0)


Maharry Balls said...

I wouldn't even know where to begin to make something like this! I love the colors and all the different patterns...

Keep up the good (thoughtful) work!

jamie said...

ok just reading the title of the commenter above makes me laugh out loud! :)

great job on the quilt have you thought about making them and selling them at craft fairs? just and idea ;)

Katrina said...

I love the yellow and purple together! You are so funny, you're such a creative person, that totally shows in everything you do!

jgirl said...

thanks everyone! and Jamie that's just Amy...gotta love Amy! ;0)

Cara said...

Hey, Breah's quilt is proudly displayed on the back of her crib. It was just too cute to be pooped on. ;)

The Swapp Fam said...

Looks great. I too would not know where to begin for a project like this although I really want to know so I can try it.