Thursday, September 30, 2010

Preach Not

I've come to a bit of a conclusion recently, I might sound sound a tad bit preachy to people reading my blog here. I want to assure you that is by no means intentional. It was pointed out to me that I need to be the expert on everything, which really isn't true. I live more by the motto "be good at what you know" and any of the tips or opinions I share on ShE's NoT yOuR aVeRaGe MoM are just things that work well for me and I like to share, so I do!
I'm not perfect either, in fact I'm far from it. I lose my temper, I am impatient, I'm not overly organized, my kids bug me some days too. I do however love my kids so much, that I wish for them to live up to their fullest potential and grow up happy and stable and reach their goals for life.
My apologies for sounding preachy, I really am not. I'm just a divorced Mom of three with a house full of preteens, who drives a mini-van, has let's call it a "unique fashion sense", and a deep love and respect for the little ones who were given to me to raise to become responsible adults. All of this accomplished in "not so average" fashion! ;0)


Cara said...

Who said you're preachy?!? Someone who obviously has low self-esteem and feels guilty when you write about how much you love being a mom. You're not preachy you're just sharing tips and ideas that happen to be great! Poo on them.

jgirl said...

Ha ha! I'm only writing this here because he only reads what I e-mail to was Lee. I'll gladly poo on him too. ;0P Although it wasn't about the blog so much...just in worries! ;0)