Monday, September 20, 2010

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe

Thanks to a great deal of soul searching and recovery from an emotional hangover, I am with it enough to share a great product for my "This is What I Like" segment! I know you're thrilled!;0) Anyway, here goes! Netflix!

We recently discovered this streaming movie utopia and honestly I don't know how we survived without it! I just thought that you signed up for DVDs and they sent them to you in the mail, you watched and mailed them back...but, it is so much more! It all started when we bought a new Blue-Ray player because ours was crap. My Man was super excited that it had an internet connection and we went home and set it up. We ran through the features and found that there was a Netflix logo and that we could stream movies. My Man checked on the rates and we discussed if we thought we would use the service enough to warrant paying for it and signed up for a free trial. Wow! we have watched more movies in the last few weeks then we ever would have going and renting them from Redbox.
Here's how it works:
For those of you familiar with traditional Netflix, you go to the sight on-line and load movies you want to see in your Queue. They mail you one, you watch it, you mail it back, simple and straight forward. They also have many, many movies available in streaming form as well. You pick out ones you want to see and load them into the Instant Queue and they are there ready to watch! We just turn on our Blue-Ray player and click on the logo and watch away! So cool!
The new release movies you generally have to wait to have mailed to you, but the instant movies are full of great classics and all the 80's B movies we watched growing up and we've had a blast sharing such classics as "The Boy Who Could Fly", "Beetlejuice", "The Never-ending Story", and "The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking" with the kids! It is heavenly and a great way for us to spend time together as a family!
Netflix you rock! tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe, try it! I'll bet you like it too! ;0)

1 comment:

Cara said...

Ah, Netflix... Gotta love it!