Friday, September 10, 2010

ThOuGhT fOr ThE dAy


Just as mother nature renews herself after a devastation, such as fire, mother dearest should make it a priority as well. Lack of sleep, lack of planning, stress and the like can all take a toll on Moms and "when Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy", right? That's the goal here is the so called journey of life or so I see it, is to raise our children to adulthood and encourage them to healthy, happy, successful adults. Of course the alternative might be to ignore them, spoil them, not teach them life skills so, they never leave the nest! (psst..that wouldn't be good!)
Hmmm..but, I digress. I had a point...I think? Renew. Oh yeah! Got it! Lack of sleep does this to I right? ;0)
Take a few minutes for just YOU during the day.
Honestly most days this just involves taking a shower for me and getting dressed pretty if I have to go out, comfy if I'm just shuttling kids all day. I fix my hair (with intention) and even though I wear little make-up anyway, I still put it on. ;0) I'm not one of these chronically over dressed Moms, you know the ones in stilettos and fresh gel nails and over-styled hair? Yeah, that wouldn't be me. I do however make sure to put some thought into my clothes and match and even do a little accessorizing. Why? Just because you are a Mom, doesn't mean you have to LOOK like a Mom, right? ;0)
Give yourself permission to let stuff go sometimes.
Do you have people at your house on a daily basis? Are your children afraid to touch anything because you'll go ballistic? Do you spend every waking minute cleaning something? Why?! Does the domestic fairy give out prizes or something? Eh, no. My house is clean generally, but not spotless by any means. We live here and if that involves two pairs of shoes under the dining room table and towels on the bathroom floor, then so be it! I clean a lot more if I know people are coming over, but if not...then it's just clean enough. No dishes in the sink, but several on the counter. Legos up off the floor, but unmade beds. The kids love living here and I can always pick up the clutter and shut doors when necessary, so yep, we're good. ;0)
Take time for you and your partner as well.
Put the kids to bed at the same time every night and spend a few minutes with your partner. Ask about his/her day, go over what needs to be accomplished the next. They are your ally, and treat them as such. Love them, respect them, accept them, and appreciate them, don't forget them, don't let them forget you either.;0)
Renew. Renew 1
Definition: To make new again; to restore to freshness, perfection, or vigor; to give new life to; to rejuvenate; to reestablish; to recreate; to rebuild. Momma ain't happy...perhaps this is in order! ;0)

1 comment:

Cara said...

sounds a lot like my house. :)