Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

I have been staring at this blank tip segment all day long...and I'm still not inspired to write anything "tip worthy". I will however share with you (my loyal blog readers, yes all 3 of you) what exactly I was doing instead today. I wish I could tell you that I deep cleaned or organized something or that I even accomplished a sewing project, but no would be the case. I spent the only part of my day that did not involve shuttling kids or running errands or feeding someone or... (okay, you get it) reading! ;0) This is a lifelong passion of mine and one I still pursue on occasion with a voracious hunger that can only be quenched by being transported to another realm. Today was one of those days. The author of today was Carolyn Jessop. I fell in love with her and her story a couple of years ago when I read her book "Escape" (the link leads to the book available through Google reader). Carolyn was born into the polygamous cult of the FLDS located in Colorado City, Az...not far from where I live and the book details her story of being raised in the brainwashed manner the "prophets" kept hold of their power and her heroic effort in fleeing the cult with all of her 8 children in tow. I was enthralled to read how they lived and why the women stay and was astonished that she even had the same pediatrician for her disabled son that my own kids see. If you want to read something real and amazing that people still live that way under our noses, I highly recommend her book.
The book I read today was on loan from my Mom, "Triumph" details her account and help she provided as an expert to the Texas authorities when the raid on the YFZ ranch in El Dorado Texas that took place in 2008, as well as, her growth as a free woman. Both books are excellent reads and make me think of how minimal my struggles are and how I should be able to handle anything I have thrown my way. I mean if this woman could leave all that she had ever known to save her children from a unfathomable fate and succeed, then what excuse do I have to hold me back?

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