Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is it just me?

I have to ask, but does everyone's cell plan carrier suck? It seems I hear more complaints about quality of service, questionable billing practices, ridiculous rates, and having "customer service" calls be directed overseas than anything else. I thought I'd give a quick (albeit somewhat anti-climatic) update about the phone bill battle incident. (Psst...I blogged about it here.)
After my man was on the phone with our carrier for at least 45 minutes, still trying to get his issues resolved, I got on a phone with a customer service rep (in India, most likely). He asked what my concerns were and asked how he could help. I mentioned that I had 18 minutes worth of roaming charges on my bill and that was ridiculous because I hadn't left my calling area even once. He asked if it was the first time I had ever received any roaming charges in my calling area and I told him it was. That was it, he said he'd credit the charges and e-mailed what he had done.
Am I grateful? Of course. Does this rouse some suspicion on their sneaky billing practices? Absolutely! I mean, all it took was a phone call and a question and they fixed it, no questions asked. It makes me think that my man and I are not the only one's to be complaining about such incidents. It also makes me wonder if they are intentionally doing this in hopes that people will just pay their bills through their bill auto-pay and be none the wiser. How many people would you bet just have? Shameful.
I know, I know...why don't you just change your provider? They are all bad and try as I might, I have not been able to beat my plan anyplace. Where else can you get 1000 anytime minutes, unlimited nights/weekends, unlimited text and data, vision package (web access), unlimited Sprint to Sprint (unlimited calls to other Sprint customers), all for 49 bucks a month? Yep, you can't. Try as I might, I have not been able to use up all my minutes even once and everything else just makes my life easy.
Is it really just me? I highly doubt it. Since I'm not doing anything about it but to complain, I'll stop and continue on with the well-monitoring of my phone bill. Shameful. ;0P

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