Tuesday, January 18, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 182)


What is the MLK Day of Service?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'"

I know, I know I didn't post yesterday. Shame on me. I do (as usual), have a great excuse though...I was taking advantage of a great holiday, in honor of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When the day was set aside as a holiday 25 years ago, it was created in memory and in the name of service to others. To be honest, I wasn't aware that this was the reason we celebrated Dr. King each year, well, aside from the equal rights movement that is.What a great thing to do for your fellow man, provide service to those in need.
I grew up in a small town in Arizona, I was active in my church youth group and we spent a great deal of our time in serving others. I KNOW I am a better person today because of this. In this "ME" mentality of today's youth, where instant gratification is the norm, I urge other parents to teach your children the value of service. We are in a sad state of affairs, as far as the economy goes, and there are many people who need extra help. Finances aren't all that rosy in our family either, but I know that there are so many people out there that have it far worse off than us. Every year at Christmas, we donate many non-perishables to our local food bank and we donate clothing and hats and mittens to the homeless shelter. I teach my children to never hesitate to share what they have with those who have not.
The service doesn't need to be flashy, or well-publicized. I'll tell you what we actually did yesterday and it wasn't great by any standards, but all of my kids helped and were very glad to do it. My man prides himself on having a beautiful, well-manicured, lawn and yard- he also is very, very busy. He was unlucky enough to sustain a back injury and with a bulging disc in one's back, leaning over becomes quite difficult. All of this has led our yard to be quite, unsightly. When I mentioned to the kids that I wanted to go out and clean it all up for him, they jumped up and were out the door to help before I was. We worked for two hours, raking, sweeping, gathering up leaves and debris and carting it all away. I wish I would have been able to capture the look on my man's face and bottle it, he was so happy and grateful!
Serving others, doesn't mean you have to help strangers either. Helping a neighbor bring in their groceries or collecting their garbage can from the curb provides service. Volunteering to help with a chore or task for a family member is providing service as well. Encouraging your children to participate in a youth group or civic club, will help foster a life-long love of service. Jumping in and helping too, will enforce it as well. I have to ask, "What are you doing for others?" Thank you Dr. King and here's your TiP fOr TuEsDaY!

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