Monday, January 10, 2011

tHiS iS wHaT i LiKe (post 178)
I know I'm a little late for my usual Monday post, I have a good excuse though! It has to do with laundry...and being very backed up on it...poo. As always, Mondays for me seen to be spent more on catching back up after the weekend than anything else. I didn't forget though, so here goes!

I happen to use this very site frequently, when I want a recipe or an idea and is a phenomenal resource! Not only can you get just about whatever recipe you could possible want, you also get detailed instructions on how to prepare it and even tips to make it great! I used it to find a good recipe for Thai Peanut Chicken and I made it last night. Yummy awesome stuff! It was already gluten-free (su-weet!) and honestly all I did was substitute soy-nut butter (my gf eater has a nut allergy too) and it was delish! Let me note that I used authentic soy sauce that isn't made with wheat as well. All the kids ate it and my man and I scarfed it down, so you know it had to be good.

Speaking of gluten-free, also has some gluten-free recipes, click the link and check them out. Need some ideas for dinner? Want a few cooking tips as well? Check out, I know I like it! ;0)

1 comment:

Cara said...

I like them too. :)