Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sisters and other deliberate irritants

I love my daughter, I have only one. Feisty and determined, talkative, friend to all, she puts me to shame with her initiative and drive. She is a huge help when helping to herd her brothers about, she also does her best to irritate them to no end. Sigh...there has to be one who keeps things stirred up I suppose and that is a calling she takes seriously!
"I'm no one's favorite!", my daughter wailed as she pouted over something yesterday. "Boys?", I asked her brothers, "Is A. anyone's favorite?" They laughed, "No!" they called annoyed at the question. "Boys?" I asked again, "Does A. mostly gets what she wants because she pouts about it the most?" "Yes!", I heard and shook my head. If anyone gets what they want, it's usually her. The only girl. Um, yeah. Not that this is intentional at all, she's the only one who cares if she has something nice to wear, or not falling apart shoes, or likes to go shopping at all. She is the only girl as well. Boys think shopping is lame, boys could care less if their clothes are falling apart and threadbare, boys are well...boys! I have to have an ally against all the testosterone wafting through the air and she is it.
At this moment she is bossing one of them around because she believes it's her duty and I am trying to go to my happy place. Any minute I'll hear a yelp of resistance and will have to come to the rescue...again. "A., seriously leave them alone!", I shout over my shoulder and press my fingers to my temples again in an attempt to maintain my sanity. Sigh. ;0)


Cara said...

AInsley thinks she's designated boss too. I have to constantly remind her that Nathan and I are above her on the totem pole. :)

jgirl said...

I constantly ask who died and made her queen...sigh! ;0)