Thursday, January 20, 2011

Now, who is G-d?

God couldn't be everywhere, so he created mothers ~ Yiddish Proverb

*Disclaimer* I am not feeling well, for some reason that translates into being overly opinionated , You've been warned!

I saw something completely ridiculous today as was I scrolling down the newsfeed of my Facebook page. I "follow" several pages for celebrities and various groups and businesses and all of these have content on Facebook. Honestly, I ignore many of them (except maybe the news organizations I follow), but today there was a post from a ridiculous page called I "heart" being a Mom. In fact it was the quote I used above only different, the author had purposely spelled out G-d instead of God. As you can imagine, there were a flurry of comments about the purposely misspelled "God" and the absence of it in people's lives and whatnot. It annoyed me too honestly, but maybe not for the obvious reason you would think. I believe in God, but would never be offended if someone else didn't or even believed something totally opposite of me. I was more annoyed at this page administrator's feeble attempt to be "politically correct" than anything else.
Political correctness has seriously gotten out of hand in my opinion, I might be able to understand the omission of the word or a letter if the word itself were used in offensive way. To purposely massacre a saying just because it contains the word "God", is ludicrous! It's like not saying the Pledge of Allegiance because it contains the phrase, "One Nation Under God". Since when has the big guy upstairs been so controversal?
I'm not naive folks, the last question is just an example. God himself has the power to cause quaking of fear amongst his staunch followers and the power to evoke cries of prejudice among the atheist crowd. How can you get more controversial? The mere whisperings of his existence within the earshot of mass media is enough to raise the hairs on the backs of the necks of the all powerful, enforcers of "political correctness".
I was annoyed enough to comment on their ridiculous page, "Now this is a prime example of the overindulgence of the notion to be politically correct, to remove a letter from a perfectly good and decent proverb in fear of "offending" someone in purely ludicrous." And then I did the mature thing,  I deleted their page. ;0)


Cara said...

Ahh, the power of a block button. :)

jgirl said...

How very true. ;0)

Jill Elizabeth said...

Although it's not a terribly common practice, there are those who feel that spelling out God is tantamount to taking His name in vain, and they use a hyphen out of respect and reverence, not political correctness.

jgirl said...

How funny Jill, I had an entire discussion over that on my S.N.Y.A.M. FB fan page!