Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TiP fOr TuEsDaY (post 175)

These are my kids (obviously) from a couple of years ago and I'm not sure how I did it, but I have three very unique little spirits. None of them are afraid to be themselves and to stand up for what they believe. I hope that I've done all that I can to encourage them to not be afraid to follow their own paths in life. Now for Mom. Do you follow your own path? Do you live your life according to you or do you follow the lead of others? If you don't, then why not? Hey , I can speak from experience (yes, the experience of doing things the hardest way possible) that living your life according to you can be very rewarding, but isn't always the easiest. I also have been known  to take the easy way out at times instead of standing up for what I believe in and this is one thing I intend to work on for 2011. I love my kids enough to encourage them to follow their own paths and for me to provide a better example. That's my TiP fOr TuEsDaY!;0)

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