Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's Thursday already?

I honestly meant to blog yesterday, I really and truly did! I actually just looked at the kids school calender this morning and realized...wait, where'd Wednesday go?! Busy is normal for Moms...if you are such, you know full well what I mean! I'm not always so busy, but for some reason all the busy things I need to accomplish happen in clumps!
I'm still looking for a job and do spend at least a couple of hours a day grazing the electronic job board for Workforce Services. I apply to jobs that fit my skill level and copy and paste my resume frequently. I spend far too much time on Facebook, but only because I seem to have amassed close to 400 friends (somehow!) and it takes a while to read through updates and view pictures. Since I spend a good portion of my day in silence, with the exception of the crybaby dog, I love to read about people I know and people I grew up with it makes me feel like I actually interacted with someone during the day! I am well aware of how dysfunctional this really is...don't judge me! ;0)
In between hours spent in front of the screen, I pick up and drop off kids, I do laundry, I clean house, I attempt to complete enormous sewing projects that I some how get talked into doing...I make dinner, I write 3 different blogs...Okay, I've just figured out why it's Thursday already! ;0)
As I read this post, I realize I have no point or moral for, if you were reading it for such, I'm sorry to disappoint you! Just the ramblings of a busy and not so average Mom! Ha! ;0)

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