Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TiP fOr TuEsDaY

The power of "No".

First off I hope everyone was able to fully enjoy their 3 day weekend this weekend! I hope everyone enjoyed their barbecues, their dips in the lake, and I hope that everyone took a moment to remember those who served to protect the freedoms we enjoy. Now that has been said and I have been able to shuttle my kids off to school for the next 4 weeks (year round), I'll get to my blog!;0)

As a parent, I have found that I am well aqcauinted with the word no. "Mom, can I play my video game?" No. "Mom, can we have dessert first?" No. "Mom, are you REALLY sleeping?" No. You see? I find that I use the word all day long.
Now here's a question, have you ever found yourself saying it too much? Too much? Hear me out...If that word is about every other word out of your mouth, you're probably saying it a tad too often. I know how it goes, I just cleaned my house and the kids want to start an art project. Before I automatically say no, I stop and ask myself, "Is anyone coming over this second? Have I let the kids do anything fun today? Will I die if I have to clean up again?" I can't let myself be the Mom that only expected her kids to clean all the time or to never make a mess or to not be kids! I honestly had a friend once that was so obsessed with being clean, that is all she and her kids did together and then she wondered why they went to their Dad's and didn't want to come back! Wow.
Saying no all the time doesn't help with disciplinary issues either. If you have a child who is chronically disobedient, step back and think about it first. I tell her no all the time, "Are my expectations too high? Do I spend any time with her individually? Is there something I'm doing and not realizing it?" Saying no constantly and having no result is frustrating for you and your child. Set clear boundaries and be upfront with your child about consequences and watch your "No's". My daughter and I clash occasionally and she can be fairly defiant when she wants to be. A lot of times I find, it's because she has asked me to do something with her several times and I have been busy. I stop saying no and paint her toenails or draw with her or play a game for a while. I get my always helpful, good-natured little girl back and all it took was to not say, "NO". Here's your TiP fOr TuEsDay! =0)


Maharry Balls said...

This is an EXCELLENT post!! I couldn't agree more with you! I have a friend who says "no" (or something equally as negative) to her kid a lot and I often times think she's being a tad too harsh. Saying no too much will make it lose it's meaning and it's no wonder parents are always saying it! I'd rather my kid (if I had one of course! ha!) know that when I say no it's serious and not something to debate on or repeat the action that led to that "no". It makes me happy to hear you take the time to slow down a bit and really enjoy your kids and let them be kids!

jgirl said...

I'm glad I have agreements thus far! ;0)